All who live here: Kent Capp - Knowledge LTW Become A Game Designer, Bianca (Monty) - Family - Raise 20 Kittens or Puppies, twins Avery and Erlina - Grow up. Various cats.
Here we are in another house with a raise 20 pet want. Eh.
ASimWen: HiYa Kent.
Kent: Hi ASimWen. Howzit goin'?
ASimWen: Fine. Hey Kent, I thought it was your wife that wanted to add puppies and kittens to the family. You are showing wishes for them.
Kent: I know. I just want Bianca to know I am on her side. Liking the same things she does, and all. If you notice, I also want to work out, and bring my dad back from the dead.
ASimWen: Good luck with that, Kent. Do you know the Grim Reaper? He can help you with that last one.
Kent: No, I sure don't. Really? How can he help?
ASimWen: Get a job in Paranormal, and that's all I'm going to say.
Kent: Thanks for the tip, ASimWen!
ASimWen: Do you really wanna bring you dad back from the grave, Kent?
Kent: Not really.
Bianca: You better not bring your dad back from the dead, Kent!
ASimWen: Woah! Good morning, Bianca!
Bianca: Hey ASimWen. You hear me, Kent! If you carry through with this scheme to bring your dad back I will spend more time on the phone talking to and entertaining people. Now come here. I want to woohoo.
ASimWen: Okey dokey then. *ASimWen backs out of the room smiling awkardly*
(First wish fulfilled: Woohoo in bed)
ASimWen: Hi Erlina, you cutie, you!
Erlina: *Toddler Babble* translated: I want skills in charisma, logic and creativity, and to grow up well. First wish fulfilled: Logic skill.
ASimWen: Hey there, pardner.
Avery: *blah, blah, blah* translated: I want to skill in charisma and to get charisma 1, want to learn a nursey rhyme and to grow up well. First wish fulfilled: Be snuggled by Kent.
Tuesday was a rough day for the twins, and it was also their birthday.
Erlina passed out from exhaustion, could not get the butler to pay attention to her to put her to bed. But eventually he did so.
Then Avery began begging for bed. He didn't make it to bed before he passed out as well. By the time the butler put Avery to bed, Erlina was already awake, Bianca was home from work, and let her out of bed.
Ugh, okay, upon growing up she kept the same hair style she was born with. I lived with it for a while but by now I could clearly see this was not for her.
Much better. :-)
Wishes upon growing up: Get mechanical 7, make friends with townie Greg Custer, get electronics, tell an inside joke. First wish fulfilled: Get mechanical 7.
After his father arrived home, Avery grew up as well with townie Greg Custer in attendance.
Wishes upon growing up: Get charisma 3, make a friend, buy a piano and a bird cage. First wish fulfilled: buy a piano.
After the twins grew up, Bianca and Kent got around to fulfilling a few wishes of their own and that was to have a date. This ended with a smug look on Kent's face, as the sound of chimes floated through the bedroom. I honestly did not think that this would happen, being that there were 5 cats on the lot, and four humans. But Risky had her own ideas.
Upon growing up, Avery started throwing wishes to boss the cats around. Duke is more than happy to oblige.
Wednesday Kent threw a wish to win a cooking contest, so off to Sue's Kitchen he and Bianca went.
Kent was up against Miranda (Capp) Monty, Chef Owens, and the barkeep Benjamin London. Kent sure has a dreamy look in his eyes, perhaps he is dreaming about winning that blue ribbon!
And da winnah is!!!! Gee, that look on Miranda's face is priceless. This is another wish fulfilled for Kent! And, blue ribbon number 5 for cooking.
After the contest was over, Kent and Bianca sat down to enjoy lobster and salmon. Yum! Then they returned home after a nice afternoon out, fulfilling wishes for the entire day, as Bianca spun up a wish to date as soon as they stepped foot on the community lot.
Baby Capp number 3 makes him/herself known. Why Bianca, you look surprised. No need to be, this is a result of all those dating wishes you throw.
Kent threw a wish for a hot tub, so a back deck was built onto the house, and the hot tub installed.
Bianca received a call to go on an outing which was not a roaring success, but it was 'fun' and the others in the group thanked her for attending. They went to Peerless Park, as Bianca was harboring a wish to go fishing.
I don't think I have ever seen so many Sims fishing at the same time.
The next crop have kittens have grown up, and sent off to animal control. So far, 6 down, 14 to go for Bianca's LTW.
After a nice date with Kent outside in the yard during middle of the summer, (to fulfill wishes) Bianca goes into labor in true Sim fashion, in the bathroom. heh
A little girl named Zena is born. She has her dad's light skintone, and her mother's brown hair.
The next day was Saturday, and Bianca took to her bed after having Zena. Kent observed the butler wasn't of much help in serving burned toaster pastries, so he took Avery and Erlina fishing at the park as they had been wishing all week to get out of the house to fish.
And fish they did, fulfilling wishes all around. Kent's attetion then turned to the pile of boards at the park where he lit a bonfire.
Avery had a hankering to roast marshmallows. What fun the kids had with their dad at the park!
That night Kent got a promotion at work to Game Designer, and reached the top of his field. Good for Kent! His new LTW: Become Chief of staff. What an about face from playing video games to being a surgeon. heh This fulfilled a nice wish for Kent.
On Sunday Erlina awoke and had omelets with her family, and developed a belly. She had been throwing wishes all week to jump rope before school, and returned to the rope to try to melt the belly fat. While working on the wished for 9th body skill point, the gym guy stopped by and gave her membership to the local gym. By now Elrina is up to 'hard' jump roping, but jumping at this rate does not seem to make the fat melt any faster. Sounds like the dilemma ASimWen has in real life. ;)
The Capps had been unable to get Duke and Zara to mate again. As soon as the kittens were born they fought constantly and had developed a -45 attraction. Okay...buh-bye breeders.
The end of the week on Sunday finds the Capps lounging about the house in their pajamas, and eating delicious grilled rainbow trout caught the day before on the fishing trip. Avery is telling some tale about aliens, to everyone's delight.
It took me a while to play this lot, as real life is taking over more and more for me. So really I have been working on this for about a month. Ha. So here is the summary, as much as I can remember.
Kent was extremely difficult in fulfilling wishes toward the begining of the week, he was throwing 'get fit' and such. He didn't get any wishes fulfilled for two days when the lot was first opened. Once he got his hot tub and 'got fit' everything started rolling better for him. Have a good reputation, talk about hobbies, ect.
Bianca wanted to date, date, date. Enough said, she was an easy play.
Avery and Erlina rolled the typical kids stuff....go fishing, make friends, jump rope, get an A report card, command the cats around.
Ending wishes:
Kent: Ask sim on a date, serve food, talk about hobbies, and have a good reputation.
Bianca: As sim on a date, have a good reputation, learn about parenting, and catch a bug.
Avery: Be best friends with cousin Elgar Capp and townie Gwyneth Merry. Command Duke the cat to Come Here and Sit Up.
Erlina: Command Zara and Duke to Come here, command Duke to Sit Up, and gain a skill point.
Zena: Infant.
Have happy holidays, and keep on simmin'! Or as we say in the ASimWen household...Merry Christmas, have a happy New Year.
The point of this play in these Maxis hoods in The Sims 2 is to fulfill a Sim's wishes to drive their life. Five wishes was too much, so halfway through round eight a shake up occurred. Now it is only 3 wishes a day, and fears are also eyed to fulfill. So far I have chosen to play Pleasantview and Veronaville. I hope you find this as fun as I am going to have playing it.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
Veronaville Round 3 - The Summerdreams - Oberon and Titania
All who live here - Oberon - Knowledge - LTW To Max All Skills. Titania - Family - LTW To Raise 20 Puppies or Kittens. Bottom - Knowledge - Become City Planner. Aelita - Grow Up.
Welcome to the Summerdreams. I think I like them so much because they like everyone in Veronaville. They have no argument with anyone, unlike two other families I know. *AHEM*.
Oberon - Knowlege - LTW - To Max 7 skills. Beginning wishes: To max creativity, tell inside joke to Mercutio Monty, and appreciate Antonio Monty and son Puck Summerdream. First wish fulfilled: Appreciate Puck.
Titania -Family - Raise 20 kitties or puppies. Beginning wishes: Scold pet cat Snookie, play with Puck, chat online, or plant a seed. First wish fulfilled: Plant a seed.
Bottom - Knowledge - LTW - To Become City Planner. First wishes: Go to University, sneak out with Kimberly Monty and (townie) Opal, tell an inside joke.
Aelita - Grow Up - First wishes: Be friends with and play with Puck, eat lunch meat sandwiches, and get a skill point. First wish fufilled: Eat lunch meat sandwiches.
The first thing Titania did was cash in the two treasure chests that Puck gave her. This poured a cool $10,000 into the coffers.
Oberon earned his hobby in plaque in Arts and Crafts while working to fulfill a wish to get level 10 in Creativity, and while painting a picture of his beautiful wife.
Tuesday morning the social worker showed up. No one paid much attention her, and finally she left. Didn't even get out of her vehicle. Hmmm..
At 3 o'clock she returns, just as Titania returns home from work, and Aelita gets home from school. What an evil woman. Titania has no idea what is going on, Aelita has been a happy child, with good grades.
After a stern lecture, the social worker leaves. Poor Titania is bewildered. (and so is ASimWen!)
Titania decides not to let Aelita know about the close shave with the social worker. Aelita was so happy with the A on her report card! It would do the child no good to know about this event.
In the meantime, Bottom's Knowledge Sim tendencies finally surface. She is throwing wishes for skills, and to learn other things from books. Like Physiology. She is not thinking about the boys she dated.... Alon Monty (two bolt) or his nephew Benedick Monty (three bolt).
Of course, this meant that she just had to max body came pretty easy after studying Physiology...
Shortly after Bottom's resounding success with maxing body skills, her mom earns her hobby plaque in Arts and Crafts while using the potty wheel. And what is really more amazing is that she did it while wearing mittens. Now she wants a gold badge in pottery. Locked in.
The sisters have fun playing with the cats, especially Aelita. She throws numerous wishes for daily interaction with the kitties. During these moments, she has no idea that her mother is going to tell the kittens goodbye as soon as they grow up.
Oberon has put painting on hold for a while to feed the academic side of his brain with a little logic skilling. In the mean while, Titania hits the energizer before heading off to work. She is hoping for a promotion on this day.
The same day, the kittens grew up.
Wow. These cats are actually good looking. Oberon gets on the horn and has animal control come and get them before Aelita and Bottom get home from school, and before Titania gets home from work.
Titania arrives home from work, touting the promotion she was hoping for. She noticed the kittens were gone, and persuaded Mr. Huggles and Snookie to try for more babies.
On Thursday at 10:00 am the Social Worker showed up again to lecture Titania. This was becoming routine. Except this time it didn't sound like an empty threat.
She left right away.
She visited the Summerdream house again at 1:00 when Bottom got home from school with the same threat. However at 3:00 when Aelita arrived home from school Ms. Social Worker did not come at all. The Summerdreams were at a loss as to why she kept showing up in their happy home.
The next morning Bottom hit the energizer before leaving for school after a night of piano playing to get creativity skills she had been wishing for. Todd Gergis dropped by to give her a hobby plaque for her hard work.
Friday Titania finally earned her gold badge in pottery. In between throwing clay, spending time with Oberon doing the simple things like hugging, telling jokes, and having tickle fights kept her going strong.
Mr. Huggles the cat thought maybe he would get a hug or two from Titania now that she was through with the pottery wheel.
The same day Aelita reached a milestone as well, and had a birthday. She aspired to be a Family Sim like her mother. But unlike her mother, she does not want to raise 20 puppies or kittens, *whew* She wants to graduate three children from college.
Wishes upon growing up: Buy a handheld game or an mp3 player, meet someone new and flirt. First wish fulfilled: meet someone new.
It was also Cam and Gloria Summerdream's birthday. Two more for Titania's LTW!
Aelita goes to the mirror for a make over and chooses a cute ponytail to go with the poodle skirt she aged up in to. She also chose some face paint as does every member of the Summerdream family.
On Saturday she wanted some new clothes so she went to H&M Veronaville, formerly owned by Consort Capp. She came away with a new short/tank top outfit, and new pajamas.
Oberon being as good a Knowledge Sim as he can be only wishes to skill. Titania has to pull him away from his books for attention. On this day, Saturday, he learns all he has in his library about cooking.
The following day on Sunday, and he received a hobby plaque in cooking from Warren Owens. Cuisine was his one true hobby.
Chef Owens then left the Summerdream home muttering "Well, that was a passable experience...." ??
In the mean time, Titania was called out on an outing, by Chef Owens. Who did not show up downtown leaving Titania by herself for the outing. Heh. Passable.
Titania uses this opportunity to meet some new friends. This is Lydia Sims. She really liked Lydia's last name.
She took her picture in the photo booth.
Scored a free computer when she said hello to Jaun Patch.
Met Gina Johnson the Infallibly Good Witch who was very nice and tactfully whispered to Titania that she should shower if she wanted to make any more friends. At this point, Titania slinks home and hits the shower.
Bottom had been feeding her Knowledge Sim self and had been skilling like crazy. The desire to attend University flipped in and out constantly. She will be attending.
Poor Aelita passes out from heat stroke, while standing up in the bathroom. She had been gardening all day in the huge Summerdream yard in the heat of summer to gain nature enthusiasm.
Her father saves the day, and douses her with cold water rousing her awake. She did earn 4 points in nature enthusiasm.
After her close brush with certian Sim death, and after she cooled off, Aelita decided she wanted to try for the Garden Club. That will happen on another day was late Sunday night by this time.
And we end our visit with the Summerdream home with Bottom heading off to University.
Oberon: Really fun to play this round. He won the hobby plaque in Arts and Crafts and Cuisine, then spent his time wearing the thinking cap and skilling. What an easy *and productive* play for Oberon. He stargazed alot, and I was hoping that he would get abducted, but it did not happen. Ending wishes: Aelita gets scholarship, serve food, max logic skill, talk about hobby.
Titania: Won the hobby plaque in Arts and crafts, earned the gold badge in pottery and reached TOC in the Slacker career. Titania wished for lots of interaction with Oberon, didn't think about the kids much or the cats. Ending wishes: Make a piece of pottery, get logic 1, blog about arts and crafts, and talk about hobby.
Bottom: Earned hobby plaque in Music and Dance. I failed to get her ending wishes before she left for University, but one of them was 'attend University' which was locked in. Bottom wanted to skill, skill, skill. What more can I say.
Aelita: I really was afraid the Social Worker was gonna catch up with Aelita and take her. I don't know why she kept coming around, and I don't know why Chef Owens complained about a poor outing with Titania before he even went out with her. I hope the Summerdream house is not getting borked. As a child Aelita wished for interactions with the cats, and other child like wishes like 'swing me around'. However as a teen she started with 'flirt', 'kiss' and such for her Family Sim self. I failed to fulfill any of those for her. All the more reason for the Summerdreams to earn a wishing well next round.
I want to mention that Pinstar and his wife ImaginingMystic are active in the Sim community once more. ImaginingMystic has started a Legacy blog here.
Anyway, have fun everyone, and keep on Simming!
Welcome to the Summerdreams. I think I like them so much because they like everyone in Veronaville. They have no argument with anyone, unlike two other families I know. *AHEM*.
Oberon - Knowlege - LTW - To Max 7 skills. Beginning wishes: To max creativity, tell inside joke to Mercutio Monty, and appreciate Antonio Monty and son Puck Summerdream. First wish fulfilled: Appreciate Puck.
Titania -Family - Raise 20 kitties or puppies. Beginning wishes: Scold pet cat Snookie, play with Puck, chat online, or plant a seed. First wish fulfilled: Plant a seed.
Bottom - Knowledge - LTW - To Become City Planner. First wishes: Go to University, sneak out with Kimberly Monty and (townie) Opal, tell an inside joke.
Aelita - Grow Up - First wishes: Be friends with and play with Puck, eat lunch meat sandwiches, and get a skill point. First wish fufilled: Eat lunch meat sandwiches.
The first thing Titania did was cash in the two treasure chests that Puck gave her. This poured a cool $10,000 into the coffers.
Oberon earned his hobby in plaque in Arts and Crafts while working to fulfill a wish to get level 10 in Creativity, and while painting a picture of his beautiful wife.
Tuesday morning the social worker showed up. No one paid much attention her, and finally she left. Didn't even get out of her vehicle. Hmmm..
At 3 o'clock she returns, just as Titania returns home from work, and Aelita gets home from school. What an evil woman. Titania has no idea what is going on, Aelita has been a happy child, with good grades.
After a stern lecture, the social worker leaves. Poor Titania is bewildered. (and so is ASimWen!)
Titania decides not to let Aelita know about the close shave with the social worker. Aelita was so happy with the A on her report card! It would do the child no good to know about this event.
In the meantime, Bottom's Knowledge Sim tendencies finally surface. She is throwing wishes for skills, and to learn other things from books. Like Physiology. She is not thinking about the boys she dated.... Alon Monty (two bolt) or his nephew Benedick Monty (three bolt).
Shortly after Bottom's resounding success with maxing body skills, her mom earns her hobby plaque in Arts and Crafts while using the potty wheel. And what is really more amazing is that she did it while wearing mittens. Now she wants a gold badge in pottery. Locked in.
The sisters have fun playing with the cats, especially Aelita. She throws numerous wishes for daily interaction with the kitties. During these moments, she has no idea that her mother is going to tell the kittens goodbye as soon as they grow up.
Oberon has put painting on hold for a while to feed the academic side of his brain with a little logic skilling. In the mean while, Titania hits the energizer before heading off to work. She is hoping for a promotion on this day.
The same day, the kittens grew up.
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Debbie Summerdream |
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Kari Summerdream |
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Steve Summerdream |
Titania arrives home from work, touting the promotion she was hoping for. She noticed the kittens were gone, and persuaded Mr. Huggles and Snookie to try for more babies.
On Thursday at 10:00 am the Social Worker showed up again to lecture Titania. This was becoming routine. Except this time it didn't sound like an empty threat.
She left right away.
She visited the Summerdream house again at 1:00 when Bottom got home from school with the same threat. However at 3:00 when Aelita arrived home from school Ms. Social Worker did not come at all. The Summerdreams were at a loss as to why she kept showing up in their happy home.
The next morning Bottom hit the energizer before leaving for school after a night of piano playing to get creativity skills she had been wishing for. Todd Gergis dropped by to give her a hobby plaque for her hard work.
Friday Titania finally earned her gold badge in pottery. In between throwing clay, spending time with Oberon doing the simple things like hugging, telling jokes, and having tickle fights kept her going strong.
Mr. Huggles the cat thought maybe he would get a hug or two from Titania now that she was through with the pottery wheel.
The same day Aelita reached a milestone as well, and had a birthday. She aspired to be a Family Sim like her mother. But unlike her mother, she does not want to raise 20 puppies or kittens, *whew* She wants to graduate three children from college.
Wishes upon growing up: Buy a handheld game or an mp3 player, meet someone new and flirt. First wish fulfilled: meet someone new.
It was also Cam and Gloria Summerdream's birthday. Two more for Titania's LTW!
Aelita goes to the mirror for a make over and chooses a cute ponytail to go with the poodle skirt she aged up in to. She also chose some face paint as does every member of the Summerdream family.
On Saturday she wanted some new clothes so she went to H&M Veronaville, formerly owned by Consort Capp. She came away with a new short/tank top outfit, and new pajamas.
Oberon being as good a Knowledge Sim as he can be only wishes to skill. Titania has to pull him away from his books for attention. On this day, Saturday, he learns all he has in his library about cooking.
The following day on Sunday, and he received a hobby plaque in cooking from Warren Owens. Cuisine was his one true hobby.
Chef Owens then left the Summerdream home muttering "Well, that was a passable experience...." ??
In the mean time, Titania was called out on an outing, by Chef Owens. Who did not show up downtown leaving Titania by herself for the outing. Heh. Passable.
Titania uses this opportunity to meet some new friends. This is Lydia Sims. She really liked Lydia's last name.
She took her picture in the photo booth.
Scored a free computer when she said hello to Jaun Patch.
Met Gina Johnson the Infallibly Good Witch who was very nice and tactfully whispered to Titania that she should shower if she wanted to make any more friends. At this point, Titania slinks home and hits the shower.
Bottom had been feeding her Knowledge Sim self and had been skilling like crazy. The desire to attend University flipped in and out constantly. She will be attending.
Poor Aelita passes out from heat stroke, while standing up in the bathroom. She had been gardening all day in the huge Summerdream yard in the heat of summer to gain nature enthusiasm.
Her father saves the day, and douses her with cold water rousing her awake. She did earn 4 points in nature enthusiasm.
After her close brush with certian Sim death, and after she cooled off, Aelita decided she wanted to try for the Garden Club. That will happen on another day was late Sunday night by this time.
And we end our visit with the Summerdream home with Bottom heading off to University.
Oberon: Really fun to play this round. He won the hobby plaque in Arts and Crafts and Cuisine, then spent his time wearing the thinking cap and skilling. What an easy *and productive* play for Oberon. He stargazed alot, and I was hoping that he would get abducted, but it did not happen. Ending wishes: Aelita gets scholarship, serve food, max logic skill, talk about hobby.
Titania: Won the hobby plaque in Arts and crafts, earned the gold badge in pottery and reached TOC in the Slacker career. Titania wished for lots of interaction with Oberon, didn't think about the kids much or the cats. Ending wishes: Make a piece of pottery, get logic 1, blog about arts and crafts, and talk about hobby.
Bottom: Earned hobby plaque in Music and Dance. I failed to get her ending wishes before she left for University, but one of them was 'attend University' which was locked in. Bottom wanted to skill, skill, skill. What more can I say.
Aelita: I really was afraid the Social Worker was gonna catch up with Aelita and take her. I don't know why she kept coming around, and I don't know why Chef Owens complained about a poor outing with Titania before he even went out with her. I hope the Summerdream house is not getting borked. As a child Aelita wished for interactions with the cats, and other child like wishes like 'swing me around'. However as a teen she started with 'flirt', 'kiss' and such for her Family Sim self. I failed to fulfill any of those for her. All the more reason for the Summerdreams to earn a wishing well next round.
I want to mention that Pinstar and his wife ImaginingMystic are active in the Sim community once more. ImaginingMystic has started a Legacy blog here.
Anyway, have fun everyone, and keep on Simming!
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