Heelllooooo Veronaville! So excited to be here. First play is Capp Manor. My oh my but it has changed since it was last played on June 22nd, 2019! Let's remind ourselves who is here!
Tybalt Capp
Popularity - Have 20 Best Pet Friends |
Hermia (Capp) Summerdream
Family - Raise 20 Puppies or Kittens |
Puck Summerdream
Popularity - Become A Celebrity Chef |
Magali Summerdream
Infant daughter of Hermia and Puck born last round. What a cutie patooty! She is a blonde....what do you think? Does she look like a Summerdream, or a Capp?
The breeding pair, Leroy in the foreground, and Haya laying on the pillow acting like the queen she is. :) So far she and EA doggo Leroy have had 6 puppies together, three of them grown and gone. Leroy is an elder dog now and is 28 days old.
Last round: June 22nd, 2019 - Tybalt was a party animal, literally...having had several parties inviting neighborhood pets over to become friends with them, to spur along his LTW of 20 best pet friends. He wants to move out of Capp Manor to marry his love Beatrice Monty, who has had his daughter. Sadly, it looks like he will be an old man before that happens. Puck and Hermia had a uh-ho surprise baby, a daughter named Magali. Who is...blonde! Where did this come from? The SimDNA cheat was enacted and it was found that Hermia is actually a blonde! She hit the mirror and decided to let her blonde locks shine! Puck was fired from his job in Adventure, but no matter! His desired job in Culinary came up a couple of days later. Hermia took up sewing, and worked all the way to a silver badge. An executive decision was made by ASimWen to begin moving the Capp tombstones to the cemetery as the haunting was so bad no one could be outside after dark. The only ones who could stay would be those who were alive when the house was first played. The family grave yard has Consort and Tybalt's first wife, elder witch Rene. Two remain...Contessa and Caliban. As soon as they haunt, their graves will be taken up and moved.
Sooo alright! Let's play!
Straight away, ASimWen counted how many best pet friends Tybalt managed to gain so far. Thirteen. Woo. He immediately calls out to have a pet party. He invited four pets that he was nearly BFs with and two showed up.....Mr Huggles Summerdream, and EA doggo Cleo.
A very quick way to build up friend points with pets is the command them around, believe it or not. Cleo was BFs with Tybalt after a couple of commands. Tybalt approached Mr. Huggles.
Mr. Huggles is so beautiful.
The two pets had tons of fun at Capp Manor...Hermia made sure of that!
The party was a WOOF RAISER!
Hermia finally won the gold badge in sewing she had been after. Funny, but ever since she was a teen she had been hammering away on the toy making bench and still could not make a water wiggler for her dogs! But with this she could make clothes for her family.
The pups out in the courtyard grew up. Tybalt was out there constantly making friends with them. Now that these three were grown, they were going to have to go to animal control. But not yet. Leroy and Haya already had another litter in the works.
Wishes? Dating....lots of wishes fulfilled, for Puck anyway. Hermia was still a strong platinum from winning the badge.
In no time it was Magali’s birthday. Ummmmm...she looks like a little imp.. She is an Acquarius, which makes her a Family Sim. Wishes: get a toy, be played with by mom and dad, and be snuggled by mom. Fears: Death of a family member, have a party, and spit up.
Definitely a Summerdream. Oops will have to get her a different hairstyle to see if she has the elven ears. :)
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Mamma Hermia was on hand to get all of Magali's toddler training done, creating wishes fulfilled for Mags! Otherwise every day this child wants to play with mom/dad, be tickled by, be snuggled by. Toddlers are so easy!
In the meanwhile Uncle Tybalt "doggedly" worked to get his 20 Best Pet Friends fulfilled this round. He was wanting to move out and live with his love, Beatrice Monty! He called up his bud and cousin by marriage Yoosung Gaither (who married Ty's cousin Fay Capp last round.....) to bring his two cats Cam Summerdream and Kim the Stray over so he could solidify his friendships with them. He was successful in becoming BFFS with Cam!
Whoops what???? Haya and Leroy just started this litter the day before. (Can you tell ASimWen has been watching Fox News...all these political names...) This has happened in ASim's neighborhoods before. Here is what I think is happening....I click on the SimBlender to get a look at maybe the number of puppies in the pregnancy. But all I get is "Accelerate Pregnancy" and I DO NOT click on it. I think the fact it merely shows up in the pie menu makes it happen. But anyway...four more dogs for Tybalt to attempt to get BFF status with!
Goodbye Leroy...Grimmie came for him not long after his last litter of puppies were born. Haya was dismayed and cried for a long time.
That night at dinner Leroy's passing was the topic of conversation. Puck noted that a new mate for Haya would have to be found to ease her loneliness. Everyone agreed...
Who is this crazy mutt and why does he look so fierce???
OOOhhh he is not fierce. He is goofy...chasing his tail. His name is Cantinflas. It took a whole day in the dog pen for him and Haya to notice each other...but what's wrong? OMG...they are cousins and cannot breed. What to do what to do....
Tybalt set right out to become friends with Canti. Didn't matter if he couldn't breed with Haya...he was staying!
Right in the middle of getting to know Canti, Tybalt aged up. Completely missed by ASimWen...no birthday party for this partying loving Sim. It has been a single minded play...get those pet BFFS done for Ty!
The first thing Ty did was invite the love of his life over, Beatrice Monty. She did not seem to notice the aging of Tybalt. The date went off well!
Some Puck news! A job promotion! His wishes are pretty easy to fulfill. If he is not wishing to date Hermia, he sticks true to his Pop Sim nature and wants to meet new people.
"Hello Sir, now that I have met you, goodbye."
This day was Magali's birthday. Tybalt decided to use this party opportunity to take care of the Haya situation. Ty called up on his beloved, Beatrice Monty and agreed to let her bring a new friend over. What the heck?? She brought over the neighborhood burglar!
The cops held a dim view of the neighborhood thief being out and about.
An officer rushed right over to arrest the burglar. But finding no emergency, he had to fine the Capps/Summerdreams as if they had called in a prank. They could not believe it.
Magali was showing a fear of having a party. Poor baby! You need to get used to it, your dad is a Pop Sim and loves parties!
EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY! THE BUTLER IS RUNNING OFF WITH THE VERY TIRED BIRTHDAY GIRL IN ORDER TO PUT HER TO BED. (cheat enacted to make butler selectible to get him to put Magali down).
Hermia managed to get some smart milk in Magali before blowing out the candles....
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The Party Goers |
Ha. She has what ASimWen refers to as the CAPP GAP. heh Wishes upon growing up: Get a kitten or puppy, get a puppy, get an A+ Report Card, and become friends with doggo Cantinflas.
During this party, Tybalt asked Beatrice if she would let Haya come live in her pet retirement center. She said of course. Haya could conceivably have another litter or two of pups, but it was time to start a new lineage in the neighborhood. Buh-bye, Haya. We will see you again later tater in this round.
Gratuitous picture of Romeo and Juliette, and Rosaline. The party broke up without incident, and all was well. Ty didn't get much headway on this day in his quest to get the 20 Pet BFFs. But it was coming soon. He was up to nineteen.
The Next Day
By now it was Saturday, and the family headed out to Planetary Pets get Cantinflas a mate.
Ah there it is! The Capp scowl. Almost thought that Tybalt had mellowed out so much in his old age that he had lost it.
The family settled on this beautiful GoldenDoodle named Maria. She was very friendly, yet high energetic.
Magali decided to make use of the dog grooming tub.
Don't know what happened here, Puck won a big wish. Maybe to get a good reputation??
Back home, Magali made quick work out of making friends with Cantinflas, even though he was stinky. No more wishes for Magali on this day! That was a big one for her.
Tybalt threw a party for his pet friends. The two cats on the left came from past litters at the Summerdream mansion, then there is Kim the Stray from Yoosung's house, then Bailey the wolf. Even though Ty invited about 6 or 7, these four showed up.
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New LTW - Have 20 Best Friends |
Tybalt gave Kim a great big hug, and reached his LTW!!! A first time for ASimWen. 20 Pet Best Friends! Now he is free to run off and marry Beatrice.
That night, Puck did not promote in the Culinary Industry as Tybalt got most of the screen time. A co worker came home with Puck. He hoped that making friends with this coworker would help him get a promotion soon. He lacked skill points.
Bright and early Sunday morning, Tybalt moved out. Good-bye Sir...have a good rest of your life with Beatrice and your daughter. Hope you will be okay living in a small house.
In the meanwhile Magali threw a wish to fish, fishing in the Capp Manor reflection pond. She still wanted a puppy. Hopefully Cantinflas and Maria could produce.
Haya and Leroy's last litter grew up...and right to Animal Control they went. It seemed that Cantinflas and Maria were a good pair. Hermia asked them to try for puppies, and it was successful! Won't see them until next round!
New LTW - Become Media Magnate |
However....This is the end of the visit at Capp Manor! Yes it is! It has been fun.
Ghostly Encounters:
Consort Capp and Tybalt's first wife Renee the Atrociously Evil Witch |
Ending wishes:
Puck: Well Puck is solid platinum now, and will no longer get his wishes fulfilled. All week long his wishes centered around dating Hermia, and meeting new people. On dating days, there was no wishes to fulfill because he would get them all in the date. Easy-peasy. Ending wishes: Buy a car, grow up well, Ask Sim on Date, and be BFFs with co-worker Christy. Ending fears: Be enemies with all these people: Spencer Monty, townies Gary somebody and Don somebody. Puck will age up next round.
Hermia: By estimation, Hermia is about six puppies from raising twenty. She should see her LTW next round, as well as aging up to elder. She is already to old to have any more children so it looks like Magali is it for she and Puck! Unless they adopt, of course, but that is highly unlikely. Ending wishes: Get a kitten, be friends with townie Camryn, get a hobby plaque in Music and Dance, adn win a dance competition. When left to her own devices, Hermia could often be found on the ballet barre!
Magali: What a perfect blend of the Summerdream and Capp genes! A beautiful child. Now that her uncle Tybalt has won his LTW and moved out of the house, Mags will get more screen time. Love this little girl. Her ending wishes: Go fishing, play with Cantinflas and Maria, and get A+ report card. Fears: Be rejected for play by both dogs, and be reject for love with Maria.
Next: The Monty Ranch starring Alon and Bottom (Summerdream) Monty and their five kids...with one on the way! Yes! Alon wants to marry off six! Until next time!
Keep on Simmin', and get your RL pets spayed or neutered.