All who live here:
John - son of Nina Caliente and Don Lothario. He is a Fortune Sim with an LTW to have 6 Pets Reach TOC. Currently a Prestidigitator.
First wishes: Influence someone to make GC, eat GC, serve GC, make GC, Jessica the cat gets promoted, and talk about GC. Even though John is no longer a GCS Sim, he still throws the wishes, apparently. First wish fulfilled, eat a GCS.
Mary - Daughter of Daniel and MarySue Pleasant - Knowlege - Wants to Become a World Class Ballet Dancer. Currently a Flamenco Dancer.
First wishes: See a ghost, woohoo in bed (was locked in) have a party, talk to Sharlene, go swimming, be friends with Sharlene. Remember on the last lot Mary showed up at Sue's Kitchen when Brenda was there to enter the food contest. First wish fulfilled: Woohoo in bed.
This is the second visit to this lot, and both Sims are perm plat by way of a full aspiration bar. That is the thing about 5 Wishes, that fills up fast. So, ASimWen will fulfill wishes only if it amuses. After all, we don't want these Sims living forever. They had not been blessed with children, maybe it will happen this round.
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Genius cat Joel Oldie was adopted to spur along John's LTW of have 6 pets reach TOC. This kitty came from the Coral Oldie cat ranch. Mary gave him a big warm hug, welcoming him to the Caliente house.
Long about Wednesday morning John awoke with very few GCS wishes. Having gotten Joel a job the day before, he wished that Joel would promote right away. His wish panel was starting to look more like a Fortune Sim.
That afternoon a son was born...David. Luckily Mary's secondary aspiration of Romance did not shine through and spin up more woohoo for her.
She then hired nanny Kendal Lawson and was able to go to work that night, reaching her TOC. Now she wants to be a Media Magnate.
In the mean time John trudged along training his cats. Joel was taking his time about getting promoted, but had difficulty settling down to skill.
Finally on Friday Jessica reached TOC in Showbiz, even though she held the required skills all week long. John had her quit her job, and started skilling up for new jobs to come. It is far easier to have a pet skilled out then work them, then try to skill them and work them at the same time.
Friday was also David's birthday. Upon growing up: Buy a toy, be tickled by, played with, and read to by John.
What does ASimWen do with Sims who are perm plat? Work on hobby plaques. Mary had already earned her chosen hobby of Fitness. Now she worked on Nature.
Gratuitous picture of toddler hugging a pet. I love this...and especially the expressions cats get. Here Jessica appeared to be merely tolerating this hug.
Silver in gardening for Mary.
David threw the typical toddler type wishes, learn to talk potty and walk. Mary tapped into her Knowledge Sim and threw herself in into teaching him. She also found it satisfying to train up Jessica and Joel, having fully trained Jessica for any job the future may hold for her. Joel was also trained up to complete the Showbiz career track. By now John signed up Jessica in Security.
Yay go you Jessica..! And this is where she was when Monday morning rolled around.
What's this??? Monday John began throwing these silly GCS wishes again having lost them for three or four days!
And we end the week finding Mary doing the same thing she was doing when the lot was opened on Monday morning. This dance sphere has a fun level set far too high.
I found John's preoccupation with GCS amusing, even though he had long ago fulfilled eating 200 GCS. Maybe he will continue this for the rest of his life? If he was not perm plat, he would be easy to keep happy. His chosen hobby is Sports, so he spent time playing soccer and watching sports on TV when he wasn't training up the cats and spending time with David.
Mary spent her time working the garden and sleeping in the camping tent to rack up points toward the Nature Hobby Plaque. She has one more point to go, then she will get the coveted plaque. She assisted John in training up the cats and spent time with David fulfilling his toddler wishes.
David: Ending wishes: be played with and tickled by Mary, get Creativity 5, and Grow Up Well.
It was a fun play! Plan to finish working hte cats through their jobs, and maybe get the Wishing Well next round.
Have fun, keep Simmin' and keep family FIRST.
Short but sweet round, kept the sims and cats busy too.
ReplyDeleteThose secondary grilled cheese sims can get very preoccupied. They are easy to keep happy though. A nice round for the family. I did not really realize it was easier to train a pet then put them to work, although it does make sense.