Back to the Calientes! Love this familiar name, and love this family, they are so handsome! Get re-acquainted:
John Caliente
Fortune/GCS - Have 6 Pets reach TOC |
Is currently a Prestdigitator
John's parents are Don Lothario and Nina Caleinte. At this time of his life he is naturally perm plat via careers. He ages up in 8 days. Fears - Three cats get sprayed by a skunk - Jessica, Joel Oldie, and stray Noodle.
Mary (Pleasant) Caliente
Knowledge/Romance - Become a Celebrity Chef |
Is Currently a Sous Chef
Mary's parents are Daniel and MarySue Pleasant. She looks like her lovely mother. She is perm plat via TOC, and like John ages up in 8 days. Mary - Fears - Jessica and Joel Oldie get sprayed by skunks, and John dies
David Caliente
David - He will cake up on the first day of this visit. He is a Scorpio, so will be a Fortune Sim. Wishes - Gain a skill point, gain a Charisma skill point, grow up well, and tell and inside joke. Fears - Jessica and Joel Oldie get sprayed by a skunk, and have a party. (locked in) Have a party is a fear? Oh look at that. He is very shy. One point, as opposed to being outgoing.
Two cats: Jessica the Siamese and Joel Oldie the orange tom. These two were brought to the house to help John with this LTW of 6 pets to TOC. ASimWen has never accomplished this one, we will see! Examining Jessica's memories, ASimWen sees that she has already reached the top of three careers. She was allowed to retire. Maybe have some kittens.
So what happened last visit? Well, David had a birthday party. Who's who of Pleasantview attended! At the party, a wild snapshot of John and his dad was will be treasured forever. Mary whilst working on her Nature hobby plaque made "the call" to the Garden Club and managed to become a member. Admitting Mary into the Club was so fine that they gave Mary a wishing well. Who knows what strange things it can do. David made friends with Isabel Wilkie, maybe they will date as teens! Isabel may have to fight Alice Broke for David's attentions, she showed up at the house too! Mary reached TOC in Journalism, and John finally found someone who would listen to his cheesy GCS talk, Rose from the PlantSim house. A family trip was made to Planetary Pet Park where cats Joel and Jessica made friend with Thomas Lothario, and the family did some fishing. And...Jessica finished up all her required jobs for John's LTW. It was a great visit!
John realizes an inheritance from his mom (Nina) and his Aunt Dina. His dad Don Lothario did not leave him one penny. Not even half a penny. Stupid Don.
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Woooo what is going on here? Why it is David's birthday party. Yes, the same one he has a fear of. John invited over his siblings George, Margaret Caliente, and his sister in law Debbie. (above). Also invited Mary's sister Angela (Pleasant) Broke over, then his friend Ben Stompel, whom he made friends with a while ago.
AAand there she is, David's childhood friend Isabel Wilkie. Wonderful. The gang is all here!
The party got started good and David ran outside, didn't want everyone to see how afraid of the crowded house he was.
David managed to make it back in the house to face the birthday cake. With his best (girl) friend looking on and various relatives and friends, David blew out the birthday candles.
Fortune - Become Chief of Staff
Not the best photo quality ASimWen failed to get a great grow up pic so nabbed this from the cut scene Anyway. Wishes: Get all the electronic gadgets - phone, hand held game, and mp3 player, and earn some money. of course. ;) Fears - Well he had a big one realized having the party. so what is there in his fear slots now? Joel the cat gets sprayed. Jessica gets sprayed,and be rejected for dance. Well I guess that is a valid fear for a shy Sim.
Isabel was extremely surprised to see David grown up to teen. He mustered up his nerve and flirted a little. Two bolt attraction immediate fall in love. yay.
Well, a cop came to break up the roof raiser party, then the cop car disappeared, so the party ran it's course. Everyone trooped off to bed.
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**Chimes** |
The next morning David rolled out of bed with these wishes: Go hiking, get into Private School, get the mp3 player, and earn money. Scared of Joel getting sprayed, failing to get into Private School, and still being rejected for a dance. Dave called the Headmaster, then headed out to school.Due to a snafu with ASimWen's CC folder a while back, John lost his custom hair. A little time in front of the mirror fixed that.
While Dave was at school mom and dad decided to work on their hobbies. John is writing a book, and being in the Culinary field Mary decided to work toward the Culinary hobby plaque. She is also working on the Nature hobby plaque and is only one point away.
Oh my look who happened to come strolling by. Beau and Brenda Broke, who just contributed three more children to the neighborhood. Perhaps they want to give John and Mary hints on having babies when they thought they were done with all that. Beau and Brenda will age up next visit.
The Headmaster is due to come over in a few hours, so John and Mary decided to pull their friends in to help get the place in order. Mary has been throwing up all over the place so influenced Brenda to clean house. And being that Mary is working on her Nature plaque and really didn't feel like gardening, John influenced Beau to go out and get that caught up.
John greeted the Headmaster, Vince Walters, in the middle of a butterfly storm. Dave should have been the one out in the front yard waiting to do the Headmaster meet and greet, but he was inside trying to catch up two days of homework he left laying around. Headmaster frowns on seeing unfinished homework.
John also did the house tour and apparently did not sell Mr. Walters on this house. Walters came right out and said he wasn't impressed with it. Beau and Brenda had just been through getting their girls admitted into Private School, and knew the ropes. They stayed on to help with dinner conversation to hopefully convince Mr. Walters this family was A-Okay and that Dave would be a great addition to the school.
Beau's Friendship Burgers were a big hit! Dave was admitted to the school!
Dave realized his only wish of the day. Go you, David! No thanks to your slacking attitude toward homework! (That dance bar has a waaaay to high level of fun). And ICK.....David needs a make over.
Ah. Before heading off to bed, a new hair style. Dave loves it.
In the mean while, Mary was woken from her slumber in the tent to pop out her second baby bump. Yes, that is a tent. Mary sleeps in the tent to work on her nature hobby plaque. Yup.
After school it was a drive in his dad's sports car to go buy a cell phone, and a burger. After all Beau was not there to make his Friendship Burgers.
A burger and a wish realized. Tosha go joined him for some good chit chat.
Oh boy does Dave love a good flip phone! hahaha! Then it was back home again to get that homework done.
The next day dance rejection was the name of the game. Nobody in this house had a membership to My Muse, so the 'nab a walkby' method was used.Mary stopped this guy....and asked him to dance. Nope. Townie guy was invited in by Dave and again rejected dancing. Good-bye, Townie.
Ahh looky. The new little Caliente has been born...all that dancing...or non-dancing...must of spurred things along. This little baby looks like his mother.
His name is Cade....Cade Caliente. CC for short. haha
Moving on...getting fears realized. This visitor is Frank Dreamer, Dirk's grown son. Frank and John used to be friends years ago, but somehow lost touch. Frank came strolling by the house, and John invited him in for a chat. Alas, John soon had to run off to work, by then Dave was home from school and thought to make some chili, burning it. Didn't matter, Frank slurpped it down anyway. Frank loved to brag about having 10 best friends.
Speaking of Dave, he rolled the wish to go to University. If he keeps it, he will be going. Being a Fortune Sim, he probably will.
Oh ho! What is this....John returns from work with a demotion...sure doesn't feel good...settles down to watch some TV with Mary, who received good news having been admitted into Desirable Discourse. This was a complete surprise, as she was not working toward it.
Saturday morning Mary and John enjoy breakfast together before heading out to work, leaving David in charge of Cade. Getting admitted into Desirable Discourse put Mary in such a good mood, she suggested to John that they should eat Grilled Cheese sandwiches for breakfast. Which is a real switch....used to be she would never discuss GCS with John!
OOOooooOOohhh! Looks like David is calling a babysitter! What is he up to?
Out to the recreation center to play a little pool with this girl...uuuuhhhh...can't remember who this is. heh.
Trying to look cool at the bar partaking of refreshments...
A dip in the pool without messing up his less.....
Then it was a quick return home to scarf down a burger, before sending the nanny on her way. Oh Dave, you sneaky thing you! At least you did the responsible thing and got a babysitter for Cade instead of dragging him out.
Mom and dad come home from work sporting promotions.
New LTW - Become a Game Designer |
Don't think Mary will make it into the gaming industry unless it comes up on the computer in the next couple of days.
John promotes back up to Prestidigitator after getting demoted. That nice big bonus earned a second time!
Hey! It is Lilith and Angela! They have long ago put aside their differences and now can be together without throwing fisticuffs. Why are they at John and Mary's? Well for one, they are Mary's sisters. And it is Cade's birthday!
Also invited left to right... John's half sister Margaret Caliente, his sister in law Debbie, then there is Angela and Lilith, Mary, then George Caliente, John's half brother. Alas, John was at work during the party.
A perfect picture~ Angela, Mary, David and Cade.
Cade is a cutie patooty! Looks like is mom and his brother.
What a successful party. David wasn't afraid of this one. Growing up can help with that kind of thing!
Immediately it was toddler training time. It moves along quickly with the help of smart milk and the thinking cap. These milestones fulfilled great wishes for Cade!
It was finished off by learning to walk from dad.
This visit is ended by the one and only picture of one of the cats!
Joel needs one more promotion before he reaches TOC in his last career. He would have reached it this round, but ASimWen made a bad choice on a chance card and poor Joel got demoted.
So what happened this round? Well ASimWen had a hard time getting through it due to life obligations, but finally did! In review: Dave had a birthday party right away, being afraid of it but made it! Being a Fortune Sim he immediately wished to go to University, and kept the wish all week. He will probably go next round. John and Mary got pregnant again, and a little cutie named Cade was born, who incidentally aged right on up to toddler. Beau and Brenda Broke dropped by and helped out with the house while Mary was pregnant, and were insturmental in helping Dave get admitted to Private School. Both John and Mary reached TOC in their respective careers.
John: Ending fears: Joel and Jessica get sprayed, and burn food. John will age up first day next round.
Mary: Ending fears: Joel gets sprayed, burn food, and get rejected for dance. Like John, she will age up next round.
David: Ending wishes: Get MP3 player and hand held game, earn money, and go hiking. Fears: Joel gets sprayed, burn food, and get rejected for toss football. David will age up in 9 days, or cake up in 8.
Cade: Ending wishes: Be talked to by mom or dad, and be played with by mom or dad. Fears: See a ghost, throw up, and have a party. So Cade and David might as well be twins. They are both Scorpios and have the same exact personalities. Hard to believe, these two boys were born in different rounds and so should not suffer from first born syndrome. But anyhow, this means he will be a Fortune Sim.
And that's it! Thanks for dropping by. Next visit is with the NPC house...however none of the NPCs are alive anymore! Maybe it should be named something different....hmmmm....but hey. There are a couple of PlantSims there!
So have fun everyone, and keep on Simming! Spay or neuter your pets to avoid pet overpopulation!