Sunday, April 5, 2020

Veronaville Round 6 - The Monty Ranch

We last saw this family in June 23, 2019.  Let's refresh who is living in Isabella and Patrizio's home!  Of course those two are long gone.  But - the ripple affect of Isabella's LTW will remain in this neighborhood forever more.  Isabella had a wish to marry off six children.  She had already married off two, Claudio and Antonio when the lot was opened for first play.  Eventually Bianca married.  Then, Isabella adopted three more children to get her six married off.  Alon, Kimberly, and Spencer.  One of Isabella's adopted kids is here, Alon, raising his family.

Alon Monty

Family - Marry off Six
Alon has a neighborhood bloating LTW taking after his adopted mother Isabella.  His first wishes:  Talk about hobbies, dance with someone, smustle, and appreciate Avalon.   Fears:  Death of wife Bottom, tell a bad joke to Avalon Capp, and be rejected for dance.  Will not meet his LTW for a long time, so wishes will be filled for him for a while.  He will turn elder in 13 days.

Bottom (Summerdream) Monty

Family - Become a Prestidigitator
Bottom has only worked a few days as she has been kept pregnant to help her husband with his LTW.  But she did manage to reach top of career last round and is a City Planner! So far they have had five children with another one on the way.  The computer is checked every day for the Prestigitator job.  First wishes:  Meet someone new, hustle pool, woohoo in bed (locked in), entertain, talk, and invite someone over.  Fears:  Death of husband Alon and Benedick Monty, and kitty snookie gets sprayed by a skunk.  She will turn elder in 13 days.  Is perm plat due to having filled up the aspiration meter before ASimWen installed a mod to prevent that from happening.

Barron Monty

Popularity - Become a Media Magnate
Barron Monty is named after the POTUS son, Baron Trump.  Don't know much about Baron Trump, but I do know about this guy.  He is very fun, and will age up in fifteen days, sooner if ASim can manage it.  First wishes:  Make a BFF, play with Paris (Monty) Capp and Avalon Capp, and go to University.  Fears:  Make enemies out of his dad Alon, aunt Aelita Summerdream, and granny Titania Summerdream.

Jackson Monty

Grow Up
Jackson's beginning wishes: Get silver badge in fishing, talk to cousin Rod Monty, talk about hobbies, and get a puppy. Fears: Be rejected for feed treat, see a ghost, and lose game to Rod.  Jackson will age up in five days, or cake up on 4.  Jackson is Aries, which makes him a Poularity Sim.

Twins Elvis and Eva Monty

Grow Up
The twins will age up in seven days, or cake up in six.  Elvis wishes:  Be friends with alien Audrey Monty, get a puppy, get a kitten and get a puppy or kitten.  Fears:  be rejected for play with Audrey, tell Audrey a bad joke, and be rejected for feed treat.  Eva wishes:  Go fishing, talk about hobbies, get A+ Report cards, and get logic six.  Fears:  Be lectured, get a D report card, and pass out. Both twins are Aries, which makes them a Poularity Sim.

Atticus Monty

Grow Up
Wishes:  Learn a nursery rhyme, be tickled by mom, be read to and be snuggled.  Fears:  See a ghost, spit up, and relative breaks up.  Atticus is a Scorpio which makes him a Fortune Sim.  He will age up to child in three days, or cake up in two.

Last visit:  It was a blur of pregnancies, births, and birthdays.  The family expanded from four members to seven!    Bottom managed to get in a couple of days of work in the Architectural career and became a City Planner per her LTW at the time, then spun up the Prestidigitator career.  It appears that Alon didn't make any headway in his career in the Military career, and is currently a flight officer.  The lot opened with a visit from the Garden Club, with the wishing well being won.  Then, at the end of the week, there was a second Garden Club inspection, and a second well won.  (Got plans for those).  It was during this inspection that Atticus was born.  Beatrice Monty came over to collect two senior cats from the household to live out their days in Bea's pet retirement home.  After all, Bottom and Alon were spitting out the kids, and the room was needed.  And that was about it!  It was an exhausting but fun play.


Everyone was in platinum mood, except Atticus.  His aspiration was bottomed out to full red.  Looking back through memories, there is nothing that would make that happen, such as a death.  He received plenty of lovin's from dad, and put down to sleep.  Dad then headed out to work, and the older kids hopped on the school bus and were gone.  Bottom headed out back to work on the fruit tries a little having a gold badge in gardening, it was a cinch.  Then she called up her brother Puck Summerdream to come over for a visit.

It was a great afternoon for brother and sister.

That night Barron stretched his cooking skills and made GCS for everyone.  Everyone who was awake, that is.  Dad sat in with the older kids, while Bottom got some much needed rest.  Atticus, in the mean time, decided that playing bunny head was much more fun.

The evening passed without much fanfare, kids did homework then headed to bed.  As did Alon, who helped Bottom realize her wish for bed woohoo.

Whilst everyone slept, Bottom was up caring for the sleepless Atticus and working the garden in the courtyard.  Then her second daughter, and sixth child, made her entrance.

This is Mayella.

Eventually morning rolled around, and Eva and Jackson worked on some logic before the school bus came once again.  Gaming dude came and invited Jackson to come to Games of Glory.

Barron wanted to have a party after school and called out for friends to come over.  OOOhhh look at that!  He is in love with Rosaline Monty, Romeo and Juliette's daughter.  How could that be?  Well Barron's dad is adopted and his mom is not related to the Montys otherwise.  Therefore, Barron and Rosaline could be an item!

If that isn't a look of love, I don't know what is.  The teen party was in full swing!  The last time Rosaline was seen in this blog was just on the last chapter, at Capp Manor attending the birthday party for Magali Capp.

Eva:  Mama! Mama! Mama!  I got an A+

Jackson:  So did I.....

Elvis:  Hey Mom!  I got an A+!!!!

Note...ok So I have figured out the secret to playing a house with large numbers of kids and not having to worry about fulfilling wishes for all of them.  They hit an A+ and immediately zip up to platinum, if they aren't already there.  The wish spins up, and it is locked in.  This happens when the kids pile off the bus:

The only thing the kids really have to do is make sure the homework is done every day.  If fulfilling needs prevents that, (these kids were always short on FUN), then the ranking teen in the house, in this case Barron, hits the energizer and does everyone's while they sleep.  Yup, more than once he stayed up all night doing their homework. haha  Just a reminder, wishes are not fulfilled for Sims who are in platinum.  They are already happy enough!

Hey look who came to Barron's party.  It is Audrey Monty!  Elvis was especially happy to see her, as he had wishes for her when the lot opened.

Elvis and Audrey had a fine conversation and became friends. Alon came home from work and fulfilled a few wishes such as talk about hobby, and play with.

The birthday notice popped for Atticus right in the middle of Barron's house party.  And so it was!  The teens present didn't seem to mind attending a party for a toddler.

Hiya Atticus!  After eating cake, Atticus headed to bed, then rolled "get a skill point' first thing the next morning.

The rest of the kids rolled talk about hobbies, play chess, ect.  It is strange that Jackson made entrance to Games of Glory before Barron did.  Barron didn't gain entrance until he maxed out logic, but then on the other hand, if he gained his logic by stargazing, then this makes sense.

Alrightie then...Alon and Bottom had headed off to work, the kids were piled on the bus, Barron was the last one headed out.  The butler set the house on fire and panicked.  I kept waiting for him to call the fire department but no such thing happened.  No smoke detector in the house.  Barron turned around and ran back in the house to put out the fire.  Lost the stove and two counters.  He then walked to school super stinky.

Later that day...yay go you, Alon!  Finally getting a move on that career!  Matthew Picasso came over via the carpool, it looks like.

Ah.  It is Mayella's birthday.  First a job promotion for Alon, and now (another) birthday.

As I always say, what a cutie-patootie!  Awww love that little sundress.  Bottom's pointy ears are a very strong gene in this family!  Alon!  NO NO NO!  No more babies!!!!!

OOh looky at that!  Matthew Picasso dropped off a karaoke machine for Alon for being a good host.  This was Alon's insurance to get a promotion the next day just in case he didn't have the skills in place to get it.  The machine went into Barron's backpack.

Nothing like rolling "get a skill point" right before school.  Go you, Barron!

Mumble mumble yak yak about hobbies....

There was "fresh meat" in the house now to suffer through listening about hobbies.

Ah finally!  Bottom's next desired career finally came up on the computer!  She took it!

One last child to teach all the toddler skills to.

This was the last one for Mayella, fulfilling excellent wishes for her.

These two boys, Jackson and Elvis, were completely in the red after school with their fun.  Didn't like each other well enough to play red hands, so water balloon it was.

Jackson got all funned up, it was time to cut the cake!  Yep, another birthday in the Monty household.

Jackson Monty

Popularity - Own 5 Top Level Businesses
Hmmm....  it just might be possible.

Hmm.  It appears that night Bottom arrived home with the flu.  Alon whipped up some Grandma's Homemade Soup.  While serving it up, Bottom merely walked by Alon and the flu jumped from her to him.  Wow that was easy....luckily all the kids were in bed and didn't come in close with mom or dad.

They each ate two bowls of soup and were healed.  Wish it was that easy in real life.

Alon was able to drag out of bed the next morning for this!  Another promotion.....yay!

New LTW - Become Education Minister

The computer will be checked every day.  Hopefully it will list before Bottom ages up!

The twins both won entrance to My Muse.....   and....  murmur hobby hobby....murmur murmur.

On Saturday, Jackson ran out to buy his phone and meet some new people.  All activities of a Popularity Sim worth their salt.  He was one happy fellah.

Saturday was a big day for three of Jackson's siblings.  It was the twins birthday, as well as Mayella's.  Alon had a wish to have a birthday party, so the call was made.  He invited his adoptee brother and sister, Kimberly and Spencer.

Eva and Elvis Monty

Popularity Sims  
Eva - Have 20 Best Pet Friends 
Elvis - Become Media Magnate

First Wishes 

Eva -  Be BFF with twin Elvis, get a hand held game, get a cell phone, and meet someone new.
Elvis - Get a cell phone, have five BFFs, be friends with townie Terry Tester, and be BFF with brother Atticus Monty.

Eva passed out from exhaustion, too bad she wasn't showing a fear.

Mayella Monty

Popularity Sim - Grow Up

First wishes:  get mechanical 9, make a friend, see snow, and buy a game.

During the party Barron received permission from his dad Alon to go out with Rosaline Monty.  Oh my what a car!  They be stylin'!  This fulfilled a very nice wish for Barron!

Mayella discovered her favorite hobby, and Atticus received his visit from the gaming dude.

Alon had the burden of working up mechanical skill so he could promote in his career.  Yup...he got a visit too, from the Wills Garage lady.  Who has no hair or brain.....but I reckon she knows what she is talking about.

OH MY!  Who the heck is this....with regular human ears....Alon's ears.... it is Elvis admiring himself in the mirror.  Apparently when he is in his PJs he has a beautiful mane!  Okie dokie then, change appearance in the mirror...lose the hat!  Love this look! 

Ran right over to the karaoke machine to fulfill a wish to sing a duet with a Sim.  Funny, but his twin Eva had the same wish.  No brainer!

And oh yes.  Alon finished the muscle car.  A beautiful lime green!  Woo!

Well, could list more pictures of wishes being fulfilled, but it is time to end this visit!  No no no...don't shed no tears now.  Time to sum it up:


Well didn't get around to really looking at the fears....but...there were lots of birthdays, getting into secret clubs, and job promotions!  Lots of getting A+'s!  Lots of parties!  What else?  :)  But I am very excited to begin matching this kids up with spouses....although...if they don't naturally attract to anyone that is what the wishing wells are for in the back yard!  ASimWen is very fond of surprise spouses popping out of the wishing well!

Ending wishes:

Alon:  The patriarch will age up next round.  Boohoo!  But he will still have plenty of time to get his LTW of Marry off Six.  Ending wishes:  Smustle dance, sing a duet with a Sim, dance with someone, and play guitar.  Fears:  Be rejected for dance with someone, sing duet with someone, and sing karaoke.  Sheesh.

Bottom:  Will age up next round also.  Wishes:  Jackson, Elvis and Eva get a scholarship, go on a hike, plant a seed, and go bird watching.  Fears:  be rejected for sing duet, Mayella gets rejected for Private School, and be rejected for dance. 

Barron:  Will either age up next round, or go to Univerity.  He has not kept the wish so he most likely will not go.  Wishes:  Sell a Masterpeice, learn couples counseling, have 10 BFFs, and win a gaming competition.  Fears:  Make enemies out of mom and dad, and townie Gordon Nott.

Jackson:  Talk about hobbies, sing a duet, meet someone new, and play chess.  Fears:  make enemies out of Barron and Dad, and be rejected for dance.

Elvis:  Get a cell phone, eat chili con carne, talk about hobbies, and sing a duet.  Fears:  Make enemies out of Barron, mom and dad.

Eva:  Talk about hobbies, sing a duet, meet someone new, and get a cell phone  Fears:  Be rejected for dance, sing duet, and sing karaoke.

Atticus:  Play Marco Polo, get Creativity 7, get A+, and make friend out of townie Tony Tester.

Mayella:  Have mom as a BFF, get A+, talk about hobby, and eat an omelette.  Fears:  All these for mom:  be rejected for talk, be rejected for play catch, and lose a game to mom.

And that's it!  remember to have your pets spayed and nuetered, do everything you can to stay healthy and your fellow man.

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. You gotta love this large, bustling family! Apart from some of them being hot candidates for coming first in a beauty contest, they love their parties, don't they :-)
    And I really, really, REALLY want a wishing well in my game. Every time I read about it on your or someone else's blog, I want one; and every time I play my game, I focus so much on my Sims' LTWs that I forget about the wishing well.

    1. I remember last June when playing this lot I took note that the garden plants were big enough to try for wishing well...put everything in place, and it was done. :) I had a lot of fun with this family. Yes they have great genetics!!! LOL They will be spreading their beauty all over the neighborhood. Maybe. Hope they don't have tons of kids!

  2. Action packed round! I’ve always loved the Monty Ranch and it suits a big family. I guess being a family sim Alon wants 10 kids now he’s had 6, :D
    Bottom is a great sim and loving that her elf features are being passed down.
    I’m glad there were no casualties in the fire, that could have been much worse.
    I find there’s always one youngster who wishes to do homework, some never do and as you said, who cares as long as it gets done!
    Great read as always, :)

  3. Wooo, what a fun and action packed update. There is so much going on with a big family, and so many birthdays. I love this family they are a ton of fun to read about. So many hobby points being made there, and the kids seem to be doing great. Of course Alon wants more kids after getting 6. What is one doesn't want to get married? :D
