Sunday, June 23, 2019

Veronaville Round 5 Monty Ranch

We last saw this family in February of 2017.  Let's refresh who is living in Isabella and Patrizio's home!  Isabella had a wish to marry off six children.  She had already married off 3 when the lot is opened for first play.  She needed to adopt three more to get her six.  One of Isabella's adopted kids is here, Alon, raising his family.

Alon Monty

Family - Marry off Six
Alon has a neighborhood bloating LTW taking after his adopted mother Isabella.  His first wishes:  Have a baby, woohoo in bed, be BFF with Desdemona Monty, and Entertain.  Will not meet his LTW for a long time, so wishes will be filled for him for a while.  He will turn elder in 20 days.

Bottom (Summerdream) Monty

Knowledge - Become City Planner
This knowledge Sim has been unable to go to work for helping her husband with his LTW.  So far they have had two children with another one on the way.  The computer is checked every day for the City Planner job.  First wishes:  Go swimming, talk to townie Gretchen, get a job in science, be saved from death, hustle pool, and have a party. She will turn elder in 20 days.  Is perm plat due to having filled up the aspiration meter before ASimWen installed a mod to prevent that from happening.

Barron Monty

Grow Up
Barron Monty is named after the POTUS son, Baron Trump.  Don't know much about Baron Trump, but I do know about this guy.  He is very fun, and will grow up in 8 days, sooner if ASim can manage it.  First wishes:  Be BFF with Aubrey Capp, be friends with Audrey Monty, be friends with Kent Capp, and win a game against Rosaline Monty.

Jackson Monty

Grow Up
What happened last round? It was thefirst week of marriage for the Montys.  It was all about keeping Bottom pregnant to churn out the six kids that Alon wanted.  Bottom spent a lot of time at the robotics bench as she harbored a wish to get the gold in Robotics, and the Karaoke machine got constant work out from the family and friends.  Now then..


At some point Bottom did achieve the gold in robotics, so the bench was deleted to make room in the house.  Barron rushed off to school, and the woohoo wish was realized for Alon.

Bottom was then exhausted, and rolled over to sleep.

Right around this time ASimWen realized that there was a good looking garden growing in the courtyard.  Time for a visit from the Garden Club, as there as no wishing well on this lot.

Think it is ready..the garden is in the courtyard, hidden behind the walls.  Oh wait.  Need to add one more thing.  The Garden Club will pass an empty garden plot as long as it has fertilizer in it.  Add a couple of those~!

Alon:  Good afternoon sir, I will like to get a Wishing Well on my lot.

Joe Graham:  Alrightie, young whipper snapper.  Let's see if you have what it takes!

(Note the gardener's truck in the background)  This guy really likes the cacti.

Joe Graham loves the statue.  I cannot stress enough the importance of putting them out for the Garden Inspection.  I think the Montys will keep this one.  Looks good in the courtyard.  It is "Madonna With Child", custom content.

Alon and the gardner feverishly working on the weeds during inspection.

Good job!  Woo!  Past ASimWen must have planned this two years ago.  Present ASimWen caught on.

During the inspection Bottom got up to take care of baby Jackson, then whipped up some cheese cake.  Trying for twinsies to spur the 6 kid count on.

That evening little Jackson ages up.  What a cutie patooty!

Of course he needed to pee right away and Bottom got right on it.  Jackson learned all his toddler skills thanks to smart milk, the thinking cap, and mom and dad handing off duties.  This realized a couple of wishes for the Mighty Jackson.

Early Tuesday morning Bottom went into labor with the babies.

Alon took a break from skilling up cleaning skills he was wishing for to help take care of Elvis and Eva, a boy and a girl.  The nanny was called to help out so everyone could get rest, along with the butler being there.

Bottom seized this opportunity to see if her desired job was on the computer, and it was!  She immediately accepted it.  She was due to go to work the next day.

But, Alon had rolled 'woohoo in bed'.  Again.  According to ASimWen's rules, it has to be done as soon as possible.  ASim clicked on "try for baby" and there were chimes!  Oh my.....

Bottom got a hair cut and some new clothes and ate some cheesecake.  As soon as her plate was clean...yup there it is.  If this "takes" that will make 6 kids for Alon, and ten sims total in the house as there are two cats who are too old to breed.  Of course Alon has rolled "have 10 kids" but ASim is not interested in that.  At least Bottom has found her desired career and is starting out at level 9.  She will be TOC after her first day at work.

Wednesday Bottom headed off to her first day at work, leaving her children in the hands of the "hired help".

Jackson's wishes had centered around doing things with mom and dad.  Talk to; play with, ect.  Since they are at work during the day he is throwing wishes for skills.  Easy peasy.

New LTW - Become a Prestidigitator
And there you go.  Bottom could go on and on working careers as she is a fully skilled out Knowledge Sim.

Soon it was the twin's cake up day.  Things were so hectic, no party was had.  Just cakes put out.

Oh my but Elvis looks like a lot of fun!

And his "twin" Eva.  She looks like her dad, save the Summerdream ears.

Alon and Bottom got right down to business and started teaching the children their toddler skills, filling lots of wishes on both sides!

At one point Alon was called out for an outing.  Boy was he tired.

All he could do was talk about was his children.  The outing scored "fun", everyone felt it was worth their time to listen to Alon's childbirth stories.

Jackson's cake up date happened at some point....

He and Barron have the same exact hair.  ASimWen thought how will I be able to tell them apart on the fly...this was a very busy house!  But that is a worry that wouldn't last long.

By now it was Friday, and Bottom realized with all these children it was quite possible that more than one wishing well would be needed.  She called up Joe Graham and his friends to come over and have a look.

Yes, a second garden club inspection, in a thunderstorm, no less.  But that didn't bother the Garden Club!

The insptection commenced without a hitch.  Bottom decided to go to the orchard to check the fruit trees to make sure they didn't have any pests that needed to be sprayed real quick before the inspectors made their way to the back of the lot.

That is when she and Alon's fifth child decided to make his/her entrance into the world.  Couldn't have been a worse time!

Having a baby in a fruit orchard!  That is something you don't see every day.....

Another son for Bottom and Alon.  This is Atticus.

Bottom went inside to feed Atticus and get him to bed.  The second wishing well was won, coinciding with a job promotion for Alon.  What a great day on the Monty Ranch!

Training the kids....fulfilling wishes....all in the day of a life of Sim Parents.

Now Bottom happened to be friends with Beatrice Monty.  Bottom invited her over telling her she had two senior cats that needed a retirement home.  Beatrice was more than happy to take them off her hands.  (remember Beatrice took the senior doggo Abbey from Capp Manor as well)

Then, there was room in the home for another baby.  Yup, another Monty was on the way.  Alon was happy.  Tired, but happy.

In the meanwhile, it was tough to keep up with wishes.  The kids were throwing talk about hobbies, fishing, and get creativity and logic skills.  There is a big fishing pond on the property that was a good wish for them to throw.  Then they would want particular types of fish caught, and finally started wishing for badges.

It was time for the twin's brithday again.  In fact, it was a blur of birthdays.

Eva looks like she's got some pixel bleeding in her bangs. ha. She will keep it I think because this is a very pretty style, I think she will grow into it.

The same day was Atticus' birthday.  At least his hair is different from his brothers!

The teaching and wish fulfilling comences.  Atticus learned all this toddler skills, same as all his brothers and sister.

Number six was on the way, and this is only the end of the second week of marriage for Alon and Bottom.

Elvis threw creativity wishes....Eva threw cooking skills.  ASimWen kids you not.  Oh yes, and the kids wanted to fish and get logic skills. That is probably from their knowledge sim mom Bottom.

Finally it was Barron's cake up day.  He was so happy he jumped around in front of the cake.  Eva and Elvis were the only ones who came to see him blow at the candles.  Mom and dad were busy with Atticus and the garden.

Popularity - Wants to become a Media Magnet

Of course the first thing Barron did was take dad's car to go buy a cell phone.  Would think about changing the sweater vest, but it matches his eyes so well.

Barron enjoyed the solitude of the cafe counter after the hectic life at home.  He had some ramen. 

Back at the homestead in the wee hours of Monday, Jackson gets entry into Peerless Park.  He wasn't the only one, ASimWen noticed Nature Lady coming and going a couple of times.  

And this is where we end this round with the Montys.  Lots of kids, birthdays, and training!  ASimWen failed to get finishing wishes...sorry!!!!

Anway, keep on simming, and be kind to others!  Thank you for stopping by, it is what keeps this blog going!



  1. So many wishes to fill! Toddler wishes are the easiest to do I think. Another busy household.

    1. Yes toddlers are easy! Talk, play/tickle, read to me, learn a nursery rhyme. Easy.

  2. Holy cow that was a lot of kids. It's no wonder you had trouble keeping up on all the wishes. So far so good though, Alon will have his kids before you know it. A fun round even if it was a bit crazy.

    1. It was tons of fun! Sorry I had to leave the lot. It will be a while before I get back to it.

  3. Oh wow, that was an eventful week! How very different Bottom's life has turned out in your game than in mine. I loved reading this and bet there was not a second of boredom in the household!

    1. You are right about that. I love playing busy households! How did Bottom’s life turn out in your game?

    2. She married one of the half-Alien sons of Loki Beaker and had a happy marriage; when they were elders, they moved to the Senior Residence where Bottom died first and her husband followed the week after.

  4. That is a great and busy house, always loved the Monty Ranch and it’s fit for a ton of kids! Just as well eh?!
