Ah. Another branch of the Brokes. These are descendants of Brandi. The gentleman in the gray vest is Brandi's second husband Tyson. We have already seen him this round. More on this later. The daddy is Charles Broke, the baby Brandi was pregnant with when Skip died.
Tyson Ebadi
Fortune / Knowledge - Have 6 pets reach TOC |
Charles Broke
Romance / Fortune - Become a World Class Ballet Dancer |
Frannie (Frances) Broke
Popularity - Wants to Become Hall of Famer |
First wishes: Hustle pool, Myrna the dog gets jobs in security, show biz, security. Be friends with Myrna, and get job in Athletics.
Bob Broke
Grow Up |
First wishes: Make a best friend, be friends with Myrna the dog, play with Tyson, and get A+.
Skip Broke
Grow Up |
First wishes: Be swung around by mom, be friends with Sammy Dreamer, be friends with Myrna, and play with Tyson.
Brandi Broke
Grow Up |
Then there is baby Katy. Cutie patooty.
Myrna the doggo |
So what happened last round? It was a blur of birthdays and house parties. Frannie had a party just about every day. After taking care of the kids all day, she would pack them off to bed, hit the energizer and party. The twins Bob and Skip aged up from toddler to children, Brandi (aka Nicolette) aged up from infant to child by the end of the week, and Katy was born. Fran hit the computer every day for her job in Athletics and it did not come up. Charles went perm plat having become a Professional Party Guest, and managed to get a job in his next desired field of Dance. He also earned a gold badge in flower arranging. Notes were made at the end of the round to move the family in with Tyson Ebadi. On with the show!
Here they are moving in. Nice big house for a nice big family. The kids immediately headed off to school.
The house became congested right away with three sims clustered around the bathroom. Of course. Charles hopped on the computer in the library, nice and out of the way. His wife Frannie was attempting to pet Myrna right inside the bathroom door, and Tyson thought this was the exact right moment to attempt to muscle his way in to chat with Fran. What a traffic jam! Nope. Please join Charles in the library and practice your chess.
Finally, Fran managed to make friends with Myrna, the first one in the family to do so. This is despite having to scold her for wetting in the house. Fran felt as if the natural course of events was that she should become Myrna's master. She also wanted to buy a drum kit and a guitar. Done....then the best thing ever for Fran flipped up. Have A Party.
Who came to this shindig? Left to right - Charles, John Caliente (Nina's oldest child with Don Lothario), Beau's wife Brenda Broke, then Frannie.
Left to right: Mary (Pleasant) Caliente (Daniel and MarySue's daughter) also known as John Caliente's wife. Tyson, then Beau Broke.
A better picture of Mary.
In the meanwhile the kids came home from school, and Skip realized his wish to get swung around by mom.
More party pics. Beau winning a wish of some sort. The little girl in red came home on the bus with Bob. Her name is Isabel Wilkie, last seen in the chapter prior. Bob fulfilled wishes to talk to Isabel, and play with Isabel. But ultimately the party ended before he could make friends with her.
Bob and Isabel having a chat. Apparently she wanted to talk to him too.
My oh my...this should have been a birthday party. Little Katy grew up.
The party over, Katy did some potty training with mom, and learned to talk. Yes. Just like that. The party was a roof raiser.
Being a senior citizen, Tyson doesn't sleep much. That being said, he was more than available to take care of Katy when she woke up in the middle of the night. Outside they went to work on walking lessons. Complete, big wish for Katy.
During the lessons, Myrna started to dig a hole in the yard. Tyson scolded her for it, then decided there might be treasure in there so he had a dig at it himself.
Well. How appropriate for this Wishes neighborhood. This must be a good omen!
Tuesday was a great day. After long waiting:
Frannie was suddenly an All Star. How about that! She immediately rolled a wish to get TOC. She probably will.
Skip and Brandi spent time fulfilling wishes by talking about their hobbies, then skipped a little rope. Turns out Skip is very good at that, he could jump really hard. Ouch. Looks like Brandi is complaining about Bob.
The kids also all fulfilled wishes to quickly do their homework before the bus came. Didn't have time the night before what with their mom's party going on and all. Bob was the first one to finish.
The rest of the day passed in a blur Charles felt the need to sit at the computer and do financial consulting all day. Frannie wanted to meet someone new and buy buy buy party type stuff. The kids came home from school in a bad mood, it seems that they all have only one or two nice points except for Bob. He was nearly filled up with niceness. Therefore Skip and Brandi wanted to do nothing but have fun. No thoughts of responsible things like doing homework. Sadly, they spent the entire evening trying to drive up their fun enough to do homework, then off to bed. Hopefully Wednesday would be a better day!
![]() |
Bob and Brandi play |
Skip on the other hand slept right up until the school bus came and did not get a chance to work up his fun or talk about hobbies. Went to school in a bad mood.
Frannie ran a streak of wishes to spend time with Charles, who had done yoga all night long next to snapdragons to work on the fitness plaque. And...got rid of his beer belly in the process. All Frannie's wishes in. And thank goodness, no rolling of woohoo.
This day was Skip and Bob's cake up day. Yay!
Bob Broke
Family - Have Six Grandchildren |
Skip Broke
Fortune - Become a Prestidigitator |
Skip in the back ground, then Bob in the foreground. Bob headed to the mirror to change his look.
New Bob. Doesn't he looks sauve! No wishes granted before bedtime.
Frances headed out to work as an All Star, her very first day at work. Right away she had a decision to make when things didn't go as normal. She chose to Practice. And that was the best decision. She was rewarded with a couple of Charisma and Body skill points.
Frannie came home with a nice promotion!
Brandi ran to her mother asking for homework help, and so it was.
Growing up well realized a very nice wish for Katy.
Doesn't Charles look happy....
New LTW - Wants to be A Criminal Mastermind |
Eventually, Bob made it out to buy his electronics on Thursday, finally realizing that birthday wish.
Alas this did not shake up his wishes much, He wanted to win a gaming competition, and flirt, slow dance, and be BFF with Tyson. There is no wishing well on this lot for him to wish up a date, so a different way will have to be found to get this wishes fulfilled.
Brandi started Friday with her wish: Myrna learns to come here....fulfilled. Frannie had stayed up all night teaching her.
This set up several kiddo to pet wishes for Brandi and Myrna. It was a good morning for both!
Friday was Headmaster day. Skip continued to throw wishes for University, scholarships, and Get In To Private school. On Friday he also wanted a cell phone.
Before the Headmaster arrived, Bob spent some time chatting up his dad. Alas, Charles was not going to be there for the headmaster visit, he had to go to work.
Finally Korey Jitmakusol arrived. Frannie made burgers at Bob's insistence. He had a craving (wish). Korey loved the meal, that part of his vist scored a big 36 points!!!!
The kids were in like Flynn. Mr. Jitmakusol loved the family and the house. This realized a nice wish for Skip.
Shortly after Headmaster exited, Tyson did as well. Upon returning home from work. Grim came for him. Good thing ASimWen got this picture because it happened really fast. No party, no hula girls..no nothing. Grim was there, then suddenly gone, all that was left was Tysons' platinum urn. Then this popped:
ASimWen didn't remember this at all. What was Pearl Mist Estate???? (google)
OOOhhh it's a vacation house. ASim didn't remember Tyson buying this in the past, but apparently he did! Strange...there wasn't any inheritance cash either. Oh well, not like this family needs it.
Tyson and Brandi together.
Charles and Frannie left Brandi and Katy in the care of their older brothers, and headed out toTakemizu Village to check out the vacation house Charles inherited from Tyson.
The house had to be furnished. Charles and Frannie spent the first day just enjoying the house.
Then it was out to venture across the village. A coin was thrown into the fountain but the answer was not good! A swarm of bees magically appeared and chased Frannie!
Good food was eaten!
Charles failed the ninja quiz....
Tea was consumed.....
And a couple of tours taken advantage of.
Finally on the last day of vacation, Charles rolled woohoo in bed. It had to be done. Really Risky??? Again???? The Brokes will be blessed with a new little one next round. Frannie is 10 days from the Senior Life so it was completely possible.
Vacation over |
By now ASimWen began to realize that Frannie must be perm plat. Her aspiration bar never moved, staying in platinum 100% of the time. Her wishes will no longer be fulfilled.
So what did the kids want on this day?
Bob wanted a skill point, resurrect Tyson (NO!) flirt, and be flirted with.
Skip wanted to dance with someone, get a hand held game, a cell phone, and go to Uni.
Katy wanted a kitten or a puppy, a puppy, get an A+ and see rain. Well the pet wishes won't be fulfilled because her mom just got pregnant, and there was no room in the house. So it is grow up well or see rain.
Brandi wanted to ask for homework help, grow up well, resurrect Tyson, and go fishing.
Well well. Let's see if ASimWen can make these kids happy, since mom and dad went on vacation.
Skip and Bob took the family car to 290 Main St...where lots of kids were known to go to, and Skip could get his cell phone.
They immediately spotted their Aunt Brenda, and decided they better not do anything suspicious less less she tell their dad!
Skip immediately bought his electronic gadgets.
The boys decided at this point it was probably a good idea to make nice with Auntie Brenda at the food counter.
Skip talked about his hobbies with her and after this conversation was certain all was good in the world with Aunt Brenda.
Bob introduced himself to Gayle Lothario and threw a flirt her way. Both of them being Family Sims, ASimWen thought there would be more than 1 bolt of attraction! Nothing to develop here, but then we have to be reminded that Gayle is betrothed to Wally Tellerman. Because both of them want to Raise 20. After Bob finished break dancing lessons the boys grabbed another bite to eat and headed home.
Back at the house, it was about trying to fulfill some wishes for the girls, and finish up Bob and Skip They didn't get quite 5 wishes. Katy had the pet wishes, and to see rain. Charles wanted to please his little girl, and fired up the weather machine to try to make it rain.
Kati was outside working the garden to make sure she would see the rain, and it began to pour. "See rain" spun away as soon as it started pouring...however it is unclear if she received any aspiration points for it. She did get the symbol for gardening progress however. So it was counted as a wish fulfilled. That was replaced by Make A Wish, as the gypsy had been by earlier in the day with the lamp.
Sadly children do not have many choices from the genie. Sure didn't want to resurrect Granny Brandi or PawPaw Tyson. Give a long life??? Well that rolls back the age 5 days. Being that she had just grown up ASimWen didn't want to entertain what would happen. So its Give Me Peace of Mind, which would make her go perm plat. And so it was. Her wishes would no longer be fulfilled. Being that she would not have opportunity to gain lots of aspiration points, she just might live a shorter life.
Then ASimWen had a great idea. This was a darn good looking garden going here. Why not try for the Garden Club? All the old flowers, bushes and fruit trees were replaced by brand new as they were certainly healthy and well watered. Everything was in place, and Skip called the Club. The inspection was done.
Of Course... |
The insepction went on into the evening hours. Don't know what is wrong with that window..think the cursor might have been on it when ASim was positioning the game camera.
One wishing well, coming right up!
Next, Fortune Sim Skip rolled "make a wish" and being that he still held a wish to make money...yeah. He wished for cash. Two wishes granted! Thank you Mr. Genie.
This is how getting the wishing well on the lot affected the love lorn Family Sim. All Bobs wishes rolled to love type wishes. It would have to wait until the next day, as it was getting late.
It was Brandi's cake up day. Being the ever Popularity Sim, Frannie organized a party and called Charles's brothers in plus wives.
Romance like daddy |
Become a Rock God |
The party didn't go for very long, as the cops came and shut it down. This upset Frannie so much she sobbed.
First thing Sunday morning, Frannie showed her first baby bump. She was still upset about Brandi's party getting shut down.
Brandi locked herself in the bathroom and did her hair and makeup, then headed out to buy some clothes. Her wishes on Sunday were all romance related. Ask Sim on date, flirt...ect.... maybe she would see someone.
She realized a wish to buy a phone, and bought a couple of outfits. No boys around, but she did have a wish to meet someone new which she did! A grown up Sophie Miguel!
Next Brandi headed over to the spa, and worked out as she had a wish to 'get in shape.'
And so it was! Look at those biceps!
Bob finally chatted Michele Kearney up enough to come over for a house date. Only one bolt of attraction here, so not something to develop there. Bob got all five wishes in! He had been wondering around the house like a lovesick puppy. Glad he got it out of his system!
Not a wish fulfilled, but Charles finally earned the fitness hobby plaque! Go you, Charles~!
Charles's last career came up on the computer finally this day, for his third and final LTW. He will officially start this next round.
And this visit with the Brokes is wrapped up with Charles's three oldest children all calling out for scholarships, him holding a wish for each child to get one. How happy he is! Not really, he and Frannie were doing the Uni cheer.
Odd Pics Out:
Brandi haunted three times throughout the week, and didn't scare a single time. I think she was enjoying being with her family.
This was an awkward moment when Granny Brandi attempted to clean the bathtub during the young Brandi's bathtime!
Next up, Beau and Brenda Broke!
Remember Family Comes First...then Simming!
What a fab round, love the Broke family! Does is bother Charles now he’s settled or does he still throw romance wishes?
ReplyDeleteI love when you get surprises like the ‘Mist Estate’! Sometimes we forget who has what don’t we?
The kids all grew up well, nice looking Sims too.
Another Broke baby on the way, yay, at least ghostly Brandi will be happy surrounded by all those kids :D
Thank you for checking out Charles and Fannie! Charles was throwing buy stuff, and talk about hobbies, then of course woohoo in bed. And that was it! His sub aspiration of Fotune may have had something to do with the lack of Romantic type wishes, I think.
DeleteWow, this family was quite active and it was a fun round to read about. Little Brandi sure grew up pretty, I like the make over you gave her. It's interesting kids only have a few wishes they can do. I guess we'll see what that means for Katy. I wonder what the new baby will be, your risky is working overtime with this branch of the Brooke family.
ReplyDeleteYes Risky is working overtime! It was a fun lot to play! Be interesting to see who goes to college.