Welcome to Round 7 of Wishes in Pleasantview. The play is 5 wishes a day for every Sim on the lot who is not perm plat. Who lives on lot one of this Pleasantview neighborhood?
Don Lothario
Romance - Is A Criminal Mastermind |
Don is 68 days old, and is perm plat, so no wishes will be filled for him unless he rolls woohoo, or ASimWen "wishes" it. haha.
Don's beginning wishes: Meet someone new, have a party, talk to townie Griff, and earn some money.
Ivy Lothario
Knowledge - Is a Criminal Mastermind wants to be a World Class Ballet Dancer |
This is townie Ivy Copur. She managed to snag ol' Don years ago. They surprisingly are a good match and have had three children together. Ivy will age up in three days so baby danger is over. That is good because she and Don are very attracted to each other!
First wishes for Ivy: Typical Knowledge Sim wants. Woohoo in bed, see a ghost, go swimming and be saved from death. First wish fulfilled,woohoo. To be replaced by see a wolf, and work out on exercise machine.
Emma Copur
Pleasure - Wants 50 Dream Dates |
Emma is Don and Ivy's daughter before they married. Beautiful girl. Emma will age up in 8 days.
First wishes: Ask Sim on date (surprise surprise), go to University, go out with Robert Wolosenko, and get a job in the Slacker career.
Thomas Lothario
Popularity - Wants to be Captain Hero |
Thomas' beginning wishes: Sneak out with Eddie Dreamer alien son of Nichole Dreamer, sneak out with townie Dickson Fleig, go to University, and get cooking 1. Eddie will age up in 9 days. Hm. How did that happen? Born only a day away from Emma?
Gayle Lothario
Family - Wants to raise 20 puppies or kittens |
Gayle's first wishes: Go to University, play with Ida Burb daughter of John and Jennifer Burb, go out with Walter Tellerman son of Lucy (Burb) and Komie Tellerman, and get cleaning 1. Gayle will age up in 15 days.
What happened last round: Emma had an "ok" date with Eddie Dreamer that wasn't a dream date. Tom and Gayle both aged up to teen. Three new kittens were born, but then the lot broke for kitty woohoo, so a move may be in order right away this round. Gotta keep those pets coming for Gayle's LTW. Don was invited downtown by a coworker but he found he wasn't the lothario he used to be when he couldn't pick up any chicks. Decided he was getting too old for the game so he went home. He then rolled wish after wish to write novels, and soon earned the hobby plaque in film and literature. Tom reached TOC in the teen job Security, and Ivy reached TOC in the criminal field, going perm plat. It was a fun and filling play!
So the Lotharios moved to the super big 3 bedroom home at (address). This of course pulled the kids out of school and shook up everyone's wishes. A quick rundown: Don: Woohoo 10, woohoo in bed, buy a guitar and a drum set. Ivy: See a wolf, go swimming, and buy a bass and a drum set. Emma: Ask Sim on date, meet someone new, have a sports party, and perform music for tips. Tom: Buy a drum set, go to University, sneak out with that Dickson kid, and get cooking 1. Gayle: Go to Uni, get a drum kit and a guitar, and get cleaning 1. Guess we will buy a drum kit. Three people want it. Then it will stash into someone's backpack. BOOM. The kids then walked back to school.
Naturally the welcome wagon dropped by...hungry. Ivy passed out sandwiches. Above is Stephen Tinker, Jane (Stacks) Dreamer, and her cousin William Dreamer, son of Cassandra and Darren Dreamer. Jane met her husband Frank Dreamer in University through the wishing well. Frank is Dirk and Nichole Dreamer's boy.
The kids came home from school, and did a little dancing to work their fun up. William joined in on the fun.
Emma immediately called Eddie Dreamer for a date and racked up five wishes right away, right up to Dream Date. Woo.
The house was chaotic as two of the kids had brought friends home on the bus as well. That coupled with the welcome wagon, and ASimWen learning the new house it really was a wonder any wishes got fulfilled at all. So what did Thomas and Gayle want?
Thomas wanted cooking skills and Gayle wanted cleaning skills. Emma joined them to get some skills in bein' that she was platinum from her date with Eddie and could sit up all night skilling with hits from the energizer.
Don: Here we are Ivy. The kids are all at school. Do you wanna.....?
Ivy: *Chomp chomp chomp.....*
Don: *sigh*
Everyday someone comes home on the bus with the kids. On this day, it is Minnie Pleasant, daughter of single mother Lilith Pleasant. Gayle chats her up to make a friend so she can get in good enough mood to do her home work then continue getting those cleaning skills she still harbored a wish for.
Working on a wish to have 5 dream dates, Emma invites Fred Goth over, son of Alexander and Daisy Goth. He is impressed Emma wanted to date him. In no time Emma had her five wishes in, and the kids moved inside.
Oh no. Apparently Minnie and Fred were an item. Well Emma I guess Fred is all yours now! The kid in the green shirt in the back ground is Arthur Tellerman, son of Lucy (Burb) and Komie. Yep, he came over on the bus too.
Who is zat on the phone? Whoooo called during Emma's date with Fred? Why, it is Eddie, the boy Emma was just dating yesterday. Of course. First Fred's old flame, then Emma's. Uh-huh.
In the mean time both Don and Ivy headed off to work their night shift in the criminal field. Don gets this dilemma:
Don asked ASimWen what he should do. ASimWen racked her brains to remember the answer to this one.
Don: Thanks, ASimWen!!
Wen: Your'e welcome, DON!!
Don and Ivy returned from work at 11:00 pm. Ivy went right to bed, but Don was still wide awake. Luckily, he decided to take a nice soak in the hot tub (after all being a Criminal Mastermind could make for sore muscles) allowing Thomas a chance to sneak out with Robert Wolosenko at 1 am. His parents were none the wiser.
3 am -
Emma and Gayle: Tom, where did you go!
Tom: None of your bees wax.
Emma and Gayle studied all night while Tom was out doing what ever dudes do when they sneak out of the house. Tom incidentally lost all wishes to do any more studying after his outing. Now he wanted to sneak out again, and win a cooking contest.
It should be pointed out that moving the family did not fix the no woohoo problem between the cats. It is as if they jump out of the action. This does not happen on other lots in this neighborhood. So ASimWen checked out the 'hood. There was only one household that did not have any pets.
Don called up Dustin Broke and sold him both cats. The momma cat, Brittany Goth, still has some good breeding time in her. Good bye Brittany Goth and Tad Caliente. New pets will be brought in, it is important to get the breeding going again on this lot for Gayle's LTW.
Dustin took to Brittany right away, and realized a wish to get a pet. He received 5,000 aspiration points.
Oh what is this? Someone found himself at Planetary Pets. Don thought he would try dogs this time. Meet Bonzo in the foreground, and then Barbie hopping out of the car, sporting her beautiful pink tail. Both dogs are Aquarius, and should get on very well. Well, at least well enough to make puppies.
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As soon as the dogs came on the lot, Gayle rolled a wish to make friends with them. Although, the 'get a cleaning skill' wish was still on her panel. Bonzo was her new friend in no time. Next was Barbie.
Tom fulfilled a wish to serve food before heading out to his job in Security. With all those cooking skills he had this seemed like a reasonable wish. Barbie looked on thinking how good that spaghetti looked.
Emma invited Eddie over for another dream date toward her LTW of 50, and incidentally got her five wishes in this day.
Tom returned home from work with generic wishes like talk about hobby. He did not get his 5 in this day. The job may have to go. His initial wish to go to University spun away and has not returned, as had Gayle's. The Nature lady dropped by to invite her to Peerless Park , for all that studying she had done in cleaning. Emma wonders what in the heck..this strange woman just walked into our house.
I have downloaded a MOD that will stop the Sims from going into perm plat due to filling up the aspiration meter. Playing 5 wishes style of play, this happens a lot. Carry on.
On Thursday Emma realized a big wish that she had been carrying for days when she invited Arthur Tellerman over for a date. Five First Dates. It did not go well, no dream date. but the 5 wishes were realized. The date went on until 10:00, then she packed off to bed. No studying skills toight.
Tom took a hike with the dogs on this day fulfilling a wish. Then it was off to work. Upon returning home he resumed wanting to do cooking related activites. This was realized with a wish to serve food, but by then it was after midnight. Again, he did not get his five wishes in. Gayle was happier than a bug in a rug studying cleaning. She maxed out finally and replaced that wish with *drum roll* by a drum kit. *sigh*
More skills/wishes realized
Serving Food |
Max Cleaning Skills |
8 Cooking Skills |
By Friday ASimWen thought puppies would be in the works. Barbie liked Bonzo well enough, but Bonzo didn't like Barbie. It is because this dog spent hours trying to play with the Sentry Bot. Don turned it off and built a fence around the dog houses to keep the pups together and focused on each other.
Another dream date in the books - Ricky Cormier.
Tom pulled a love letter out of the mailbox. Highly doubtful that it was written to him.
Oh well...Inside to max cooking skills. This was replaced by get the hobby plaque in cuisine.
All this cooking activity Tom naturally wanted to go up against Sue at Sue's kitchen to see who was the better chef. Nichole Dreamer (Eddie Dreamer's mom) and Ida Burb showed up to compete too. Tom beat the pats off them! Woohoo!
Puppies are on the way. But we won't see them until next round.
In between all the doggo care, Gayle managed to find time to compete in the cooking contest. It was an especially sweet win because Ida Burb had made the same dish. Chocolate Mousse. Gayle's was better. Go you, Gayle!
It is now Sunday, and Emma's birthday warning threw. Wellll alrighty then! Time to have a party!
Invited to the party - Ricky Cromier, Arthur Tellerman, and Eddie Dreamer. All her boyfriends. Not like it mattered.
Oh Emma you THANG you! Wishes upon growing up: Well they are party wishes, flirt, influence someone to entertain another Sim, buy a bubble blower, and pull a prank. Well luckily...
Ricky Cromier grew up too.
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**Flirt Flirt** |
Good deal.
Oh my...that last flirt made her and Ricky fall in love, and she threw woohoo. It was locked in.
Nothing like birthday woohoo.
The party over, everyone went home. Emma spun up "Move Out" Alrighty girlie, out you go.
And the round is ended with Don saying goodbye to his oldest child. Oh. but what did Don and Ivy do all week if their wishes were not being met? Well, Don worked on novels, and did a lot of this:
Everytime ASimWen went looking for Don, he was spinning.
Ivy played games on the computer if Don wasn't working on his book; she watched a lot of television and played the game console, and happened to see Brandi (Broke) Ebadi walk by this day and had a quick visit. They realized they shopped at the same place, and bought the same outfit.
And that is it for the Lotharios for this round. The next time we see Emma she will be in her own place.
Don really does make very good looking kids, especially with Ivy. Emma is beautiful! The kids sure did lots of studying. :)
ReplyDeleteThat was crazy...they just kept rolling skilling point wishes. Hey I will do that. I love skilling sims!