Goneril Capp
Fortune - Wants to Become Chief of Staff but is stuck being a Tycoon. Poor her. |
Ariel Capp
Popularity - Have 20 Best Pet Friends (no) |
Rod Capp
Grow Up |
What happened last round, played on February 15th, 2019? Well, it started out with empty nesters Goneril and Albany. Albany was pining for his family to be around him again, and called up his youngest Ariel, who was sharing a house with her sister Desdemona and her husband. Ariel didn't want to move in, at first. Goneril was already perm plat so therefore had no wishes fuliflled, well on puropose anyway. Albany never did reach his LTW of raise 20 pets. However he did raise a few and had a good time teaching commands and interacting with them. The house was robbed, and Albany then wished up a burglar alarm. In the end, Ariel and her son by Benedick Monty ended up moving back in early Monday morning.
This created a condundrum, because Ariel and Rod needed to be played for the round. So the lot was played again at the end of the round on March 15th so Ariel and Rod could age. In that play both Albany and his favorite dog Webster passed away, Rod grew up, and Ariel became pregnant with a second child with Benedick.
Let's get on with it ~ LET'S PLAY!
There is an elder dog on the lot, Alegra. Her mate Webster passed away last round. So Ariel called up Beatrice Monty to come and get her. Bea takes in elderly pets and lets the live out their days in comfort and luxury at her place. Bea gladly took her off Ariel's hands.
Ariel then adopted a female kitten named Neka hoping that the kitty would get along with James, the kitten that Rod was wishing for last round. Maybe they would like each other well enough to make babies! Then her thoughts turned toward Benedick. She wished she could see him. Karma was on her side, because the phone rang, and it was Bennie! He said he really enjoyed himself during the last date, and would she like to go out again? Of course she said YES.
They wen to Londoste where they danced...and kissed on the dance floor...and Ariel rolled "woohoo"!! Thank goodness this establishment had a place where a couple could get away and do just that!
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The Hot Tub |
They had a blast. Twice. ASimWen thought at this point to check Ariel's needs after all, she was pregnant. Oh no. She was nearly ready to starve to death even though her needs were full when she left the the house.
They got out of the hot tub and headed back inside where someone had cooked up some hot dogs. After one of those, Ariel was in a good enough mood to "pop the question" since she had been wishing to marry ol' Bennie for a whole round.
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Will you???? |
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Yes I will!!!! |
Wow. She is pregnant and lifting a full grown man???? ASimWen was glad to finally see this happen. It was apparent that Benedick was not going to do the asking. The date was quickly ended at this point, as Ariel needed to get home and fill up her needs. She was very tired.
Who is that??? It is Ariel in her red maternity outfit. Her hair changed when she got her baby bump. heh Gad, have to do something about this. Can't change the maternity outfit...I don't think? Maybe it will look better if we get her hair back to what it was...
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That's better! |
Early Tuesday morning the burglar stopped by, but he was not a welcomed guest! Last round the house was burgled so Albany had a burglar alarm installed on the outside of the house. As soon as the would be burglar's foot touched the lot, the alarm went off, giving the police plenty of time to get there before anything was stolen. It worked out, the burglar was was caught.
James the kitten grew up. A tuxedo cat!
Ariel's wish this day was to have a party. Not surprising. Who is here? Well that's Benedick clear to the left, then his sister Beatrice Monty, then her beau Tybalt Capp. Clear to the right is Spencer Monty, and down at the bottom is Spencer's wife and Ariel's sister Desdemona. Ariel and Rod was living with Spencer and Desi before moving back home.
A better picture of Desdemona. When she walked onto the lot she looked absolutely hideous with the new hair the game gave her, and the clothes as well. She had a black short pixie cut. No. ASimWen knew that she presented as a blond, but thought to check her DNA. She is a redhead! So red hair she got. She looks gorgeous now! She is having quite a deep conversation with her husband Spencer.
Rod came home from school and ran to his dad to tell him all about his A, but Bennie wasn't giving him the time of day. Rod followed him around a bit, and ASim couldn't stand it. Felt sorry for Rod. So Benedick was made selectable and forced by ASimWen to talk to his son.
Very good. They need to get to know each other since they will all be a family soon!
Rod was exhausted then, and went upstairs to sleep. His fun was also very low. He wanted to play with his cat James, and go fishing, but it would have to wait. Wouldn't do any good with him being exhausted and all.
Tybalt and Beatrice found each other and danced up a storm. But it wasn't long before Ty noticed that Bennie was there. Tybalt was still sore about Benedick bringing so many women around under the same roof where Beatrice was raising his daughter Elvira.
This doesn't look good.
(See Tybalt in the background being angry) In the meanwhile Goneril came home from work and struck up a conversation with her daughter Desdemona. ASim was horrified to see they had zero relationship. That will have to change!
There it goes. It wasn't long before the two fellahs were landing blows. Tybalt won. The party finally broke up and everyone went home. It was a "good time". On the bright side, Ariel got all her wishes in for the day. Poor Rod got the short end of the stick again.
Wednesday was going to be Rod's day. He got up early at 5:30 and had some great cereal that Ariel had a wish to prepare and to eat. She then proceeded to tell Rod all about how his dad broke up with his fiancee Trista. She also told Rod that they were going to be married soon. That really perked Rod up. He wanted so bad to live with his dad.
He did a little fishing in the pond in the back yard, and played with James a little before the school bus came.
Fishing again after school. It was becoming a family affair! Ariel was throwing wishes to fish as well.
It was at this point that the play sort of fell apart, not sure what happened? ASim wasn't getting lots of pictures of making wish notes. Think went on auto pilot. But here is what I have:
This is Ramona. Benedick had called Ariel out for a date, she said ok...but Ariel was not allowed on an outing by the game ...something about her being pregnant and better not go out. So Ariel called Benedick to come over. Had to use simblender to ease his furious attitude toward her because she didn't show for the date downtown. During the home date, Ariel got her five wishes in, and gave birth to Ramona right in front of Benedick who sauntered away to go play with the cats.
In the light of day, Goneril got this chance card from work....and this is one that ASimWen knew!
Yup. Build seaport. :)
It was finally time for poor Rod's birthday. The guy in the suit came home from work with Goneril. At any rate, a party was had. The invitee list was kept to a minimum.
Rod realized a very nice wish upon growing up.
Knowledge - Wants to be a Space Pirate |
Woah look at this HM. Very different looking with this default hair.
The home tour went well, now it was on to entertainment and schmoozing. Ariel cooked up some blackened catfish using fish caught in the pond in the back yard, and the HM loved it.
During the Headmaster visit, Ramona's cake up warning threw. Why the heck not. Granny Goneril got a cake out and helped Ramona grow up...what a beautiful little girl. She has a little crown on her head, showing to be the princess that she is. Her wishes on growing up:
ASim managed to get a picture of the wishes, but didn't write down. We can probably realize what these are. She wanted to start her toddler skills, and do things with her mom.
Nice! Rod is one happy camper. But he looks sleepy all the time.
By now it was Saturday, a day usually reserved for doing fun things like fishing, going shopping, or playing video games. Well this guy Rod did go fishing in the back yard, as Nature is his one true hobby and he loves to early morning fish. But the things that a Knowledge Sim finds fun are a little different. He wanted to win the Quigly VisualArts Stipend, and the Hogan Award for Athletics. So he hit the books. That is a fun thing to do for a Knowledge Sim!
Ramona on the other hand...
She wanted to potty train, learn nursery rhymes and do things with her mom! All of which was fulfilled! (gosh, I love that little crown on her head).
It was Ariel's turn then to get wishes fulfilled. And naturally she wanted a par-tay! The ladies of the party gathered around the radio to hula dance to salsa music. That takes talent! Left to right - Ariel, Bottom (Summerdream) Monty, and Kimberly Capp. Kim came in her work clothes. haha
The guys of the party left to right - Ariel's brother Hal Capp (Kimberly's husband) and then of course there is Rod. Benedick is there in the background talking to Ariel. There was going to be a BIG party tomorrow. A wedding party. They were discussing the guest list.
The pizza dude could not walk in between his car and the cop car to get the party pizza out of the trunk. He was stuck there for about half the party as that is how long it took Animal Control to heard the three kittens to the car Neka and James produced. More kittens tried for, they will be born next round.
Bottom had been calling Ariel for the last couple of days wanting to talk, but Ariel just didn't have the time. Now she did. In no time they were at a daily relationship of 100. Dang. Ariel is gossiping about her own son. Pointing right at him while she does it.
At one point Benedick thought to get to know his daughter. He went right up to the second floor on his own, and Ramona begged for attention. Awwww. He picked her up and snuggled. He had a wish to hold her, apparently. Maybe there is hope for him yet!
The party was a big success, and Ariel got all her wishes in!
Sunday was the Big Day.
It started with getting all Ramona's wishes in for the day, as she was going to stay in the nursery most of the time. She wanted to sing with her mamma, and be played with. She was also throwing wishes to gain creativity skills and was doing this on the xylophone. She had no idea that her daddy was going to come home on this day.
Rod engaged in his usual early morning fishing, winning a memeberhsip to Peerless Park and earning a bronze badge in fishing! Go you, Rod! He also caught a couple of varieties of fish he had been hoping to get.
Ariel got her hair done, made sure her dress was in order, then the calls were made. A wedding party.
Bennie moved right in to the household.
This isn't surprising. He is the same ol', same ol'. But he was not showing a fear of marrying Ariel. Bennie has been lots of fun to play with his strong Romance Sim ways, but it was time for him to settle down and accept the responsibilities of being dad to Rod and Ramona.
All the invitees gathered in front of the wedding arch in the side yard. Ariel and Bennie make a gorgeous couple.
Awww. It is about time! One thing about Bennie, he is extremely passionate!
This marriage realized a huge wish for Goneril. However, the wish spun right back up. ??? ASimWen had to check her family tree. Now she is wishing for her grand neices and nephews to marry. I think she is a Family Sim disguised as a Fortune Sim.
As soon as the vows were done, Bennie spun into his work clothes as the carpool was there honking for him to get in the car. NooOooOOoo! ASim cancelled the action and wanted to get the cake cut so the party would be a roof raiser. Oh yes. And there is the bad memory for him of getting married.
Here Ariel eat this...now I have to go to work. heh Bennie left right in the middle of the wedding party, but it was still a roof raiser.
Ariel had to be stopped from going to bed...she was tired. She was just climbing into bed when ASimWen caught her and made her pay attention to her guests. She fixed her hair back to the way it should be since she was no longer in her wedding dress. She played some pillow fight with Desdemona to ensure she got her wishes in for the day, although getting married fulfilled a big one for her!
Bennie returned from work with a promotion. Go you Benedick! You have a family to support now. No more spending money on ladies and your roving ways!
I wasn't going to use this picture but decided to. Benedick spent some time with Goneril before retiring for the night. She seems really stoic listening to Bennie prattle on about the family unit. I thought this was an important point for Benedick to realize.
Rod spent the last few minutes of the day getting in that last skill point he was wishing for. Then it was off to bed for him.
Monday at 5 am sees Ramona getting in her last wish for the day (yes - already) and strangely Rod rolled out of bed without the wish to fish. He wanted to go hiking before the bus for Private School arrived.
And that is the end of this visit with the Montys.
Ariel and Bennie went on a date to Londoste where they had public woohoo in the hot tub, then ate a great hotdog. Ariel knowing that Benedick was now single asked him to marry her. He, being uncontrollable, had no choice but to say yes. As soon as she returned from the date, she got her first baby bump, her second child with Bennie.
Rod grew up to be a Knowledge Sim with the wish to become a Space Pirate. He has 12 days before he ages up to adult but will more than likely head out to University next round. A beautiful little girl named Ramona was born, and eventually aged up to toddler. She will cake up the first day of next round. Ariel was all about partying almost every day to get her wishes in, and eventually invited Benedick to move in on Sunday to participate in a wedding party, which went off without a hitch. Benedick promoted up to executive chef his one day in his new house and will more than likely reach TOC next round and reach platinum, no longer getting his romantic wishes fulfilled.
A new little cat named Neka joined the big male cat James in the cat pen, and they produced three kittens. They are pregnant with another batch.
Goneril was just sort of "there" and went to work every day. No retiring for her, as she is not needed to watch grandchildren since Ariel is a stay at home mom. Goneril is now 75 years old and I will be surprised if she doesn't pass next round.
Closing wishes:
Ariel: Ariel turns elder in 8 days. ASimWen will cake her up ASAP to keep her aging moving along, will age up next round. Her ending wishes: Have a party, be BF with Bottom (Summerdream) Monty, go on a vacation, be BFF with townie Trista Shaw, (Not the same Trista who is Bennie's ex) Ramona grows up well, and buy a drum kit.
Benedick: Be friends with townie Caryl, get a hot tub, woohoo 10, and be friends with townie Mallory Mace. Bennie will age up in 11 days. He will cake up in 10, but will still be a young man a whole round while Ariel will have aged.
Rod: Be saved from death, get a hand held game, catch fireflies and butterflies. Typical Knowledge Sim wants who is also a Nature Sim. Rod will leave for University next round.
Ramona: Get creativity 8, be snuggled by and talk to her dad, and grow up well.
The cats will continue producing kittens as long as possible.
Odd Pics Out:
These two wolves kept coming by and mourning Albany and Webster the dog's graves. I had never noticed wolves doing that before. They would stand there and bark and moan. I felt sorry for them. Albany was always out there petting them and playing with them. I normally would have sent the tombstones off to the cemetry, but decided to keep them around for the neighborhood wolves.
Next - Romeo and Juilette and their daughter Rosaline.
Have fun Simming everyone! Thank you for dropping by!
Do enjoy a good wedding. (I thought pregnant woman couldn't get in the hot tub) And where do you get your clothes CC from?
ReplyDeleteHi Peachy! I think Ariel was able to get into the hottub because she wasn't showing yet. The CC - I cleaned out my list last week and got rid of over 5,000 files. I started collecting better quality stuff, including a lot of default replacements. I started here: https://pleasantsims.com/sims-2-custom-content/ I really like this girl's Lets Play vids, and she posts all her resources on her website. I use the TS2 Default Database for a lot of what I use now.
DeleteA fun and eventful,round, thanks for the good read! I didn't know wolves could come up to graves and mourn.
ReplyDeleteAww, sensitive wolves in your game, love seeing these 'new' things.
ReplyDeleteGoneril seems like she should be a family Sim, I mean she starts with so many kids. :D
So Ariel's a cougar, haha, good for her and Bennie. She really is an attractive Sim. :)
I agree about Goneril! For sure!
DeleteA good update. Lots going on, and Ariel finally got her Bennie. :) The wedding was very nice, Ariel's dress was beautiful!
ReplyDeleteYes Ariel did make a pretty bride, and Bennie was very suave. It was a very fun round to play!