Nina (Caliente) Landchild, Nichole (Thompson) Dreamer and Darren Dreamer come over as the welcome wagon to greet the happy couple. Then Silver runs off to work to his job as a waiter.
As is the habit of the game to do on every new outing is instigated. Brittany goes out with all her old Uni chums, including her secret crush, Castor Nova. This might be interesting!
Errr no...nothing happened. *cough* Brittany went shopping for clothes, then went home.
I would really have Silver working on his wishes, or skills and the like, but this is one Plant Sim that likes to stay in the house. Had to force him out into the yard to start up a garden so he could get is sunshine needs up. The family doesn't yet have cash to buy indoor plant lights.
Well, one wish could be fulfilled, and that as to buy a painting that was at least $500. Mr. Fortune Sim, that means you need to come up with some money. Get digging. Fulfilling that wish, threw up two more 'buy me' wishes.
After finding a couple of rocks, he digs this up.
Then he finds this.
Wow, another map. Well, being that the Wilkies don't have the cash to go on vacations, Silver sells these items off a nets a cool $1350.
Early Wednesday morning finds the the stuffy couple working giving financial advice, (under a plant light) and painting for skills. Time to work on some wishes. Silver has already gained a new dining room chair, and a new living chair for the day. Need to work in 3 more wishes. He quickly gains another dining room chair, a dishwasher, and a kitchen counter. The counter went in his backpack, the rest was put to use. The couple now has only $2,685 in the bank. And, after buying all this, Silver spins up to get a skill. FINALLY.
After gaining a couple of skill points in creativity, Brittany spun up a wish to have a party, and to make friends with all these people. So she calls out for a party.
Crickey! New wishes spun up as soon as she called out for the party. Woo hoo! Per my own rules, it can't be ignored. Ugh.
Early Thursday morning finds the old gypsy creeping around outside the house. Could it be because Silver and Brittany are inside fulfilling wishes for skills? I really don't know, but I read once upon a time that the gypsy is more likely to stop by with a lamp if there is lots of skilling going on. *shrug*
Thank you very much. There is a Fortune Sim who lives here that needs the money that lamp can provide.
Uh huh. The party woo-hoo did it. Thank you Risky. Now ladies and gentlemen, I have to admit something here. How long have I been playing The Sims? Especially since Apartment Life came out that gave us viewable ceilings? I had never learned to properly use the ceiling tool until today. Yes, you have seen my blog entries where there were ceilings. But I simply would put a flat roof on the house, or some crazy thing like that to get the picture. I could not get that to work on this house, a one story. By golly, it already had a roof. I put my floor tiles up there, and I couldn't put the roof back on because the game perceived my floor tiles as the roof. Today I learned all about the 45 degree angle tool. Yes, I did. I admit it. I am always learning new things about this game.
As soon as Silver fulfilled his wish for a skill point, make a wish flips up. Why Silver Maple, your wish is my command!
Really Silver, do you have to think so hard about it? It should be a no brainer.
There you go, honey. :)
Brittany realizes her pregnancy during another party. Silver responds with Spores of Happiness, which immediately raises Brittany's needs. Nina (Caliente) Landchild is liking them too! Party score immediately raises.
Saturday morning Brittany finishes up her studies on couples counseling, fulfilling that wish. Now she will get on the computer to chat, fulfilling a wish to meet someone new. Silver Maple is on a skilling streak...I grab 'em when I can get 'em. He keeps rolling cooking wishes, which is great being that he is in the culinary field.
Brittany decided to throw a party, and she invited the Dreamers, as she had a wish to make friends with Dirk. Ugh. She goes into labor. Let's hope the party score doesn't tank. Silver Maple has left for work, and cant spread around Spores of Happiness to help out.
The kitchen/dining area is quickly vacated by the Dreamers during all the baby broohaha. Welcome a little girl, Bertha. Party score is snoozer.
Brittany quickly erects a full nursery, and calls in the nanny to watch after her baby while she finishes partying. She still needs to make friends with Dirk. Uhhh...Brittany...poor form, sweetheart. DO NOT gossip about aliens with the parent of an alien especially when the alien child is sitting right there.....she has 1.37 minutes to make friends with Dirk.
Well Brittany I suppose you know best. Talking about aliens with Dirk has rescued your party.
Brittany loves a man who loves to make money....good for you Silver Maple!
Throw in a couple of gossipy comments about the neighbors, and Dirk is now your friend, with 1.01 minutes to go in the party! What a party girl you are, Brittany! You are a pro! During your party you: 1. Gave birth 2. Insulted your guest's child 3. Gossiped about the neighbors 4. Failed to pay for pizza from the delivery girl. Your party was a resounding success!
Sunday brings a promotion to Silver Maple, and a major wish fulfilled to get a promotion at work. Yay! He automatically spun up wishes to get the skill points needed for the next promotion. So be it! Seems like the 'buy me' wishes have waned since working his job.
At this point, I decided to check Brittany's job status. I really hadn't paid much attention what with fulfilling her wishes and her staying home on maternity leave. Huh? A celebrity chef with no skills? Well, I guess this happened when she aged fresh out of Uni.
Sunday was also Bertha's birthday. Townie Troy Go attends the festivities. Brittany had invited him in earlier to meet him. She tells him a joke, admires him, then gains a good reputation, fulfilling a wish.
Before being put down for a nap, Bertha realized a wish to learn how to potty. Brittany also played with her and tickled her, fulfilling wishes. Good show!
Wanted to get a close up of Bertha. After all her dad is of questionable genes being a Plant Sim, and her mom is unique in herself. Bertha has the same slanty eyebrows that Robert has, son of Sunflower the Plant Sim. Erm.
This is where we leave the Wilkies for the week. Ending wishes:
Silver Maple: Get a logic skill point, max creativity, get a creativity, and buy curtains worth at least $250. As suspected, his buy me wishes slowed way down once he got into the swing of his job in Culinary. He is currently a Restauranteur.
Brittany: She wants to be BFF with all these people. Castor Nova, Nichole (Thompson) Dreamer, Darren Dreamer, Lisa Andrews, and Kevin Baer. She was the perfect Pop Sim, wanting to be friends with X, Y, and Z. Loved playing her. Lots of parties, and only got called for two outings. She is currently a Celebrity Chef.
Bertha wants attention from her mom and dad, being that she already has all her toddler training out of the way. Be played with/tickled/and talked to by Silver Maple, and be talked to by Brittany.
That is it for this week!
Keep on simmin'!