Monday, February 17, 2020

Pleasantview Round 8 - (Dr) Harry Burb - ALTERNATE TIMELINE

Welcome to (Dr) Harry Burb's Alternate Timeline.  John + Jennifer = Harry.  Harry is  a recent graduate from University, and is striking out on his own now in Pleasantview.  Harry is twin to Ida (Burb) McCarthy.  Ida and her husband George McCarthy live in the original Burb homestead.  Harry recently attended Ida and George's wedding.

(teen, YA, Adult)
Knowledge - Wants to be Chief of Staff 
Is currently unemployed

First wishes:  Get a job in...Medical, Science, Gaming, Intelligence, Oceanography or Adventure.  Fears:  Fire, lose a skill point, and get sick.  

Harry Burb, or Dr. Harry Burb as he was known in college, had just bought his first place after graduation. A smart little condo. Oh no but wait....He had a vague memory that he lived in an apartment across the hall from his good buddy Eddie Dreamer. This was very unnerving. He just graduated from medical school and was now an MD....and hoped to gain a position at the prestigious Pleasantview Hospital. he could not let anyone know he was having visions like this.

One thing was for sure.  Harry wanted to get right to work and was lucky to find a job as a teaching scientist.  It would do until he started working at the hospital.  (wish fulfilled)  He went to work immediately, that day.  Had to shake this dejavu feeling.

Friends came over to congratulate him on his graduation, and to see his new place, but he wasn't there.  He was working.

Harry was promoted right away, and started feeling normal.  He decided he could use a little female company, so called his favorite professor he had spent time with in University.

Prof. Rebecca Welsh

Harry threw a wish for woohoo in bed upon returning home from work.  In this play, that wish is always honored, which ever way it can be done. 

 It was so great to see Becky again.


Wishes: Reach cooking level 8, go on on Far East vacation, play computer game, blog about science, talk about hobby, and see a shooting star.

It was off to work early.  

Harry was feeling like the science career incredibly easy and interesting.  But his heart was still in medicine.  He checked in with the hosptical recruiter,  nothing yet.  Then his friend Margaret Caliente came over for a visit, since he was just out of University, and all that.

Romance - WooHoo With 20 Different Sims
It was nice seeing Margaret again. (talk about hobby, wish fulfilled)  However he didn't fall for her Romance Sim wiles.  There was good conversation, and that is all.

Other wishes fulfilled this day, blog about science, play a computer game.


Wishes:  Reach cooking level 8, talk about hobby, play a computer game, gain a skill point, blog about science and see a shooting star. 

After breakfast, Harry checked in with the recruiter at the hospital.  They are finally ready for him!  He took the job and started immediately.

Play computer game, blog about science, cleaning skill point. wishes fufilled.

While Harry was fully skilled to be a successful doctor, he was was going to have to develop his social life a little bit to promote up.  


Wishes:  See a shooting star, play a computer game, talk about hobby, gain a skill point, play marco polo, and eat cereal.  Played computer game, eat cereal.  Then rolled bUy a telescope.  Fulfilled.

A quick play of The Sims 3 before the hospital carpool shows up. Even a doctor likes to play games.

Dr. Burb didn't promote again.  This really drove it home that he needed to work on his social life and get a couple of new friends.  This young man, Jeff Ternynck was in the neighborhood and Harry asked him if he wanted to learn a little logic.  Jeff was all about it!  And a new friend was added to Harry's list.

Harry called his friend Meadow Pedersen.  It had been a while since they talked.

It was a large screen television.  Harry couldn't use something like that, his place was far too small.  He just tucked it away for future posterity.


Wishes:  See a shooting star, talk about hobbies, gain a skill point, gaze through the telescope, eat cereal, and play computer games.

Wishes fulfilled:  Eat cereal, play games

This was a day off from the hospital.  Even though medicine was his passion Dr. Harry Burb needed time away from his job.

If medicine was was first love, then cooking was his second.  He visited Sue's Kitchen to enter their weekly cooking contest.  He was going to win, he just knew it.

Alas, he did not win.  Skip Broke was the victor, son of Charles and Frannie Broke.  

Skip Broke

Fortune - Become a Prestidigitator

This contest wasn't everything Dr. Harry thought it would be.  He returned home, then thought it would be great to see Becky again.   She came right over and knew exactly how to cheer him up

A rousing game of pillow fight.  That's the ticket!  And that was the end of Friday night.


Wishes:  Buy a bookcase costing at least $650, win a cooking contest, reach cooking level 8, serve food, get a food processor and get a stove costing at least $500.

Fears:  Get sick, burn food, and lose a skill point.

Replaced stove, wish fulfilled.

A date last night, so that meant spending today with his buddy Eddie Dreamer.

Eddie became completely enamored with Heidi the cat.

The smell of great chili in the fall brought him inside the house.  The guys ate chili and watched football on the TV.  What better way to spend Saturday afternoon?


Wishes:  See a shooting star, stargaze though the telescope, talk about hobbies, play a computer game, serve food, and play Marco Polo.

Play a game, wish fulfilled.

Again no work today, but tomorrow would be back to the grindstone.  Harry was starting to feel like he was more than ready to get back to the hospital.

Harry spent the day studying anger management, (wish fulfilled) and cleaning the condo.  Not much other than that.  Slept through the night dreaming of another time, maybe, and another place.  The place where he lived across the hall from his buddy Eddie, and the little tuxedo cat that used to come and visit him.   

Did he dream it?  Or was it real?  Confusing and hard to tell.  There is only one thing he knew for sure.  There was no place like home, where ever that was.

This Alternate Timeline has completed for Dr. Harry Burb.  He is left feeling confused, in the same place in his life that he was in a distant fuzzy memory, but not in the same place at the same time.

Next we will see how the kids in University fared.... 
  • Arthur Tellerman (Lucy Burb + Komie Tellerman = Arthur)
  • Ricki Wilkie the Infallibly Good Witch (Silver Maple Wilkie + Brittany (Upsnot) = Ricki)
  • Betty Broke (Beau Broke + Brenda Broke = Betty)
  • Minnie Pleasant (Lilith Pleasant + Neal Leong = Minnie)
  • Sammy (Samuel) Dreamer (Nichole (Thompson) Dreamer + Dirk Dreamer = Sammy)
  • Skip Broke (Charles Broke + Frannie Broke = Skip)
See you later tater...and the only thing that matters is that you are playing The matter the version!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Pleasantview Round 8 - Harry Burb

Alrightie.  The last new lot of this round.  This is (Dr) Harry Burb.  John + Jennifer = Harry.  Harry is  newly graduated from University, and is striking out on his own now in Pleasantview.  His neighbor in this apartment building is Eddie Dreamer.  Harry is twin to Ida (Burb) McCarthy.  Ida and her husband George McCarthy live in the original Burb homestead.  Harry recently attended Ida and George's wedding.

(teen, YA, Adult)
Knowledge - Wants to be Chief of Staff 
Is currently unemployed

Like his buddy/neighbor Eddie, Harry decided to rent an apartment.

Hmm looks like this one will do.

Yes, you are a man now Harry.  Responsible to pay your own way!

First wishes:  Woohoo in bed (locked in) get a job in medicine, criminal, education, science, gaming.  Well.  It is obvious what Harry wants.  Sex and employment. Sadly did not get his fears.

Alright from the point I took the first pictures of him looking at the apartment (months ago) I apparently downloaded a default replacements for the equestrian pants and his hair.  Like the hair but will be replacing the pants.  Here a wish was fulfilled for Harry, must have been a hidden one.  These were townies hanging out on the sidewalk.

A quick change into the only other thing in his closet. Harry headed to the phone and called his three bolt attraction for a date.  OOhhh who died?

His parents, John and Jennifer Burb.  Between them, Harry inherited 17K.  WOW.

Rebecca Welsh, one of Harry's professors from Uni.  She is the cat's meow.  Upon arrival at Aspirational Laboratories, Harry's wishes:  woohoo in bed & get a job in medicine (locked in) and all for Rebecca:   Play with, tickle, tell joke to, entertain.  Fears: Be rejected by Rebecca for play with, and entertain, tickle.  Geesh.

Eventually the date moved to Harry's apartment, and the woohoo wish was fulfilled.  Go you, Harry, and lucky Rebecca!

Rebecca left...and Harry headed right to the computer to look for employement in his desired field.  Oh my and looky!  There it was.  He grabbed it.  Right about then, the phone rang.

It was Meadow Pedersen, a girl Harry dated in University.  Of course he said yes to going downtown!  He needed a new outfit.

The group piled out of the taxi in front of  Cold Issue Clothing. A quick flirt from Harry  toward Meadow was all it took for Manny the Servo to go bonkers.  ???  Oh yes.  Manny lives with Emma Copur as support for her and her child.  In order to promote up, Manny would romance all the coworkers who visited after work.  Meadow must have been one of them. 

To avoid any more drama, Harry flipped the switch on Manny turning him off then went inside to shop.  Manny's jealous fit put a damper on the outing, the group broke up and Harry went home.


Tuesday saw Harry wanting to woohoo in bed again.  Before heading off to his first day of work it was  a little blogging about games and playing some TS3.

New LTW - Become Education Minister
Harry is now perm plat and none of his wishes have to be fulfilled now.  Woohoo!  Sounds like ASimWen has license to play however she wishes!  At any rate that wish for woohoo needed to be fulfilled, so Harry called Rebecca.  She is always up for some time with a young and upcoming handsome doctor!

Ah.  Margaret Caliente.  She came strolling by just as Harry said goodbye to Rebecca.

Harry and Margaret moved the visit inside...and looky who slid right in the door.  This is Al, the cat from next door at Eddie's.  He peed on the floor, then kept meowing with the "food" icon in his thought bubble.  Hahaha!  I have never seen somebody's pet come over and beg for food.  That is too much like real life.  (We won't talk about how ASimWen keeps a bowl of food on the back porch for the stray cats IRL).

Harry put down a bowl of food then went to clean up Al's mess.  Margaret had a good time playing with Al for a while, then she left..and so did Al, without eating.  heh

Hm.  How is it that Harry is talking to.....himself on the phone?  He was being asked on yet another outing.

The group ended up at the art gallery...and the Count showed up.  It took a long time for him to begin visiting lots after Count Ted was removed from the NPC life by marrying PlantSim Rose Wilkie.  Count Ted later met his demise because he couldn't stay in his coffin during the day.  He kept popping back out to cry about being abducted.

Back home, Heidi the cat was in the yard.  Harry decided to try teach Heidi another command over the three she already knew...knowing this is a fast track to making friends with her.  She nearly learned to play dead, but got tired and left.  *sigh*

The next day after work, Harry's neighbor from upstairs, Nery Turner, passed out on the sidewalk.  This is the second time Nery did this.  The first time he laid out there for 2 days and finally ASimWen made him selectible and got him to wake up and move.  His needs were draining.

Eddie came home from work and just stepped over Nery on his way to the front door.  In the mean time, Harry quit worrying about Nery and decided to see if there was anything good in the hole the wolf made.  Yup, he got a map to the Hidden Burrow.  ....  hmmmm.

One of these two Sims are the ones who have been calling Harry all week long to go on outings.  Only two people, these same two ladies.  One of them, the gal in the back is a coworker.  They never rest!!!!

They are both Knowledge Harry.  Nope Harry is not athletic at all.

Harry doesn't like to talk politics....probably a good thing.

So this outing he made a complete fool out of himself....threw up after he got out of the dance-so-sphere....said exactly the wrong thing about Pleasantview politics..but one thing everyone could agree on was havin' a drink!


Well....out on another outing, another day.  Same ladies asked him out.  I think the game is stuck.  I mean, it is every single day.  Out to party hardy.  hahaha  This time it was to Four Corners Shoppes.

Some billiards.....don't know who this guy is, but ASimWen played him in the ISBI challenge years ago.  He was the clueless husband.

Harry is resting with his back to the camera so ASimWen could get a gratuitous picture of the room with plenty of Sims in it.  ASimWen had to begin using a MOD to allow more Sims on a lot to make it fun to play.  Ooohh who is that I SPY playing pinball?  (second from the left).

Harry gives a hug to the girl who invited him on the outing (yes the same girl that calls him all the time) and he gives a big ol' scowl behind her back to the mysterious pinball player.  Who is it???

It is Thomas Lothario...Don's son, in the military uniform.  What the heck happened between these two that would make Harry scowl at him???

Whatever it is, Harry won't let it die.  Thomas is oblivious.


Okay a couple of days have passed while visiting Harry.  This apartment building has been throwing continual errors, making play extremely difficult.  The Welcome Wagon never showed up, an error threw stating "too many iterations"....the mailbox was bugged.  It was right at that moment I realized the lot didn't have the apartment mailboxes, just the single one found on a regular residential lot.  The other residents of the apartment building acted strangely, like Nery continually passing out and nearly dying.

I knew I had a package of "AL Fixes" MODs in the downloads folder that I had installed long ago before Ultimate Collection.  I took it out and rebooted the game.  Suddenly everything was normal and smooth again.  Everyone in the building spent time together in the common area, normal chatting took place.  No more errors throwing all over the place.  Only a couple of more days to play Harry.

Suddenly everything was sunshine and roses.  Harry had a great time cooking out for his buds.  He was full of FLAIR.

Hot dogs eaten...back to drinkin'.  Wanna point something out here.  Harry was not much one to get in the hot tub.  He just liked to watch others in the tub while drinking.

On ASimWen's way out and waving goodbye to Harry, he found his next desired career on the computer.  Go you, Harry....too bad we won't see you doing it for a while. some of my thoughts.  Harry was asked to go on outings multiple times....usually by the same two people.  More than once or twice a week.  Perhaps it was the MOD doing it.  Once it was removed, everything settled down.  He had been a regular party animal.  Felt like that was totally not his quiet Knowledge Sim personality.

So what is next??? You guessed it!  University!!  Woohoo!  There is:

  • Arthur Tellerman (Lucy Burb + Komie Tellerman = Arthur)
  • Ricki Wilkie the Infallibly Good Witch (Silver Maple Wilkie + Brittany (Upsnot) = Ricki)
  • Betty Broke (Beau Broke + Brenda Broke = Betty)
  • Minnie Pleasant (Lilith Pleasant + Neal Leong = Minnie)
  • Sammy (Samuel) Dreamer (Nichole (Thompson) Dreamer + Dirk Dreamer = Sammy)
  • Skip Broke (Charles Broke + Frannie Broke = Skip)
So goodbye for now, and keep on simmin'!  Thanks for dropping by!
