Alexander - Family - LTW - To Raise 20 Puppies Or Kittens. First Wishes: Flirt with Daisy, talk to Daisy, give back rub to Daisy, dance with Daisy. Erm. I think I see a pattern here. hehe
Daisy - Family - LTW - To Have Six Grandchildren - First Wishes: Entertain, reach maximum enthusiasm in cuisine, woo hoo in bed, and play with.
Henry - Grow Up (toddler) - Be snuggled, be read to, get a charisma skill point, and sing a nursery rhyme with Alexander.
And various cats - Ringo Caliente and Josette Goth...and their four kittens.
As Family Sims, this should make both Alexander and Daisy happy. Thank you Risky, you took full advantage of Daisy's woo hoo in bed wish.
Henry grows up without much fanfair.
Alexander: Um son, *cough* Nicholas the butler was nice enough to make us a scrumptious dinner of starch. (mac-n-cheese). You need to eat some of that instead of that plate full of sugar. (cake).
Henry: Gee dad, which one is better for me?
Alexander: Just eat it, son.
First wishes for Henry as a kid: Be BFF with Alexander, make a friend, buy a game, buy a lemonade stand.
On Wednesday Ringo and Josette's kittens grow up. Robert, Carole, Jack, and Gene. Daisey immediately calls animal control to come get them. Four more for Alexander! Josette and Ringo immediately try for more kids. heh
Wednesday afternoon finds Henry calling up his Aunt Cassandra to come over for a visit. Cassie's son, William Dreamer, will not be able to inherit the Goth mansion because his last name isn't Goth. Looks like it will be Henry. So Henry works hard to stay in his Aunt's good graces to get that wonderful inheritance. Alexander is happy to see his holder sis.
Alexander's wishes so far this week have centered around doing things with Daisy, and he spins up a wish occasionally to go on a mountain vacation. Let's hope I don't have to send him! haha
Last round Daisy wanted to catch butterflies and fireflies all the time even though it was winter. This rounds she has gotten it straight and seems to be wishing to do things with her family.
As soon as Alexander received his promotion, Daisy labored two more little boys into Pleasantview....Fred and Albert. Hi boys!!!
Daisy spins up 10 kids. I don't think so girlie....the three boys you already have will be enough to give you the 6 grandchildren you desire.
On Friday, Don and Ivy Lothario's daughter Emma comes home from school with Henry. He throws an immediate wish to make friends with her. Owwwwie...look at that profile Henry has. Um looks like he is gonna have some kind of nose and chin/throat. Huh.
Spring sprung, and both Alexander and Daisy threw gardening wishes. And so it was! the family that gardens together, stays together!
In the wee hours Saturday morning, a new kitten Rita, was born. She and her mother immediately note the dirty litter box. hehe! Alexander was disappointed in only one kitten being born, and immediately made Josette and Ringo try for another litter. eh.
24 hours later, Albert and Fred grow up. Umm. Looks like Albert is a blonde. ??? Does Daisy have a recessive blonde gene? I run the SimDNA cheat. Nope. No recessive gene. However, she really has brown hair, she dyes it black. hahaha. So I check Albert's DNA. Brown hair dominate, black recessive. So the only thing I can deduce is that this custom hair is very light brown. Or binned incorrectly. Anyway, this will make it easy to tell the boys apart.
Of course with a garden, comes a call to the Garden Club in an effort to get the wishing well. Enters Tiffany Zarubin.
Yay! Despite the fact that one bush on the property was untrimmed. Hey ho, get to it, Nicholas the Butler!
Monday morning rolls around and Daisy if found happily tending to her three boys. Alexander is in the bathroom getting ready for work. What a perfect family.
Alexander: Typical Family Sim wishes, wanted to do lots of things with Daisy. His sub aspiration is Romance, so every day he rolled 'Ask Sim On A Date". Made him easy to play this round. Ending Wishes: Ask Sim on a date, kiss, catch a butterfly, catch a firefly.
Daisy: Her wishes were more in line this round than last round. Last round she wanted to catch lots of insects during winter, making her difficult. This round she threw wishes to do things with/for her kids, and to interact with Alexander. Ending wishes: Play with Fred, buy a handheld game, buy a guitar, and win a gaming competition.
Henry Goth: Typical kid wants. Do things with he dad, talk about hobby, make friends with so and so. Ending wishes: Go hiking, be BFF with Emma Lothario, talk about hobby, and get an A.
Twins Fred and Albert: Walk/talk/potty. After that they threw wishes to get charisma/logic points, and interactions with mom and dad.
RL threw some stranglers at me these past few weeks, finallly getting this entry wrapped up.
Have fun simming!