Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pleasantview Rnd 5 - Wilkie - Silver Maple and Brittany (Upsnot)

All who live here:

Silver Maple - Fortune - LTW to own 5 Top Level Businesses  (ugh).  First wishes:  Get a logic skill point, get a creativity skill point, dance with Brittany, and give back rub to Brittany.  First wish fulfilled - Get creativity skill point.

Brittany (Upsnot) - Popularity - LTW - have 20 Simultaneous Best Friends.  First wishes:  Talk, meet someone new, entertain, and play with.  First wish fulfilled:  Talk (to Bertha).

Bertha - Grow up - First wishes - Get skill points in logic, creativity and charisma, and talk to her dad Silver Maple.

Silver Maple maxes creativity with a flourish, and fulfills a wish.  He now needs a logic skill point for promotion in the culinary field.

Hm.  The old lady is Joy Wilkie.  You might remember her from the Dustin and Angela Broke lot where she just walked right in to their home and never left for days.  It is 2 pm on Monday, and she has just walked in, has just done the same thing here, but left after 12 house at 2 am.  She is an NPC who was wished for out of the wishing well by plantsim Birch Wilkie.

Brittany hits 10 best friends, halfway to her LTW, and fulfills a major wish.

By Wednesday, it was time for Bertha to grow up to child.  To celebrate, Pop Sim Brittany called out for a party, to beef up those friendships she needed to fulfill her LTW, and to get wishes fulfilled for the day.

And the party commenced.  Many of Brittany's University friends came to help the family celebrate.

Bertha's wishes upon growing up:  Be BFF with her dad Silver Maple, tell inside joke, get creativity 5, make a friend.

The next day was a snow day, which Bertha started the fun day by jumping rope, telling her mother an inside joke, playing red hands, and getting swung around, twice.  Then her mother's university friend Allegra Gorey called her to see what she was up to.  Bertha was thrilled to talk with her.

This was much more fun.

Yay for you, Silver Maple!  Great prosperity points. 

Silver Maple would paint all night long while his wife and daughter slept, as he kept wishes to sell a masterpiece.  He finally made it to the Zone!

Brittany hosts another party on Friday, and found Malcom Landgraab walking by the house and invited him in for the fun.  Here they gossip about Don Lothario, and Allegra Gorey listens in and cannot believe her ears.  Heh

Later that night Silver Maple gets called on an outing with a bunch of college kids.  He is puzzled by this, as he never went to University, and didn't know any of them.  With the exception of the girl to the far left, she is the one who called him out.  She is one of his coworkers.  Funny thing, when he agreed to go, a message popped up that he needed a babysitter.  I am like no.....Brittany is home...but he agreed to let Nanny come anyway.  When the taxi came Brittany loaded into the car too even though she was not invited.  hehe!

Saturday morning sees Silver Maple promising this orange tree that rain is coming soon.  It is also the first day of spring, and he has love on his mind.  (Ask Sim on Date)

When Saturday morning chores were done, the family headed out to Pleasantview Pets, as Bertha harbored a wish to obtain a pet.  Silver Maple could not help himself...he steps aside fanning himself per his attraction to Brittany.  He is rarin' to get on with that date!

Brittany notices that the business has the 'Best of the Best' plaque on display.  Remember Dustin Broke worked this pet shop to Best status long ago.

Bertha finds the fish tank to be especially fun and interesting.

Eventually she picks out this adorable Chihuahua who she named Pumpkin, a sweet female dog.

Then she picked out this male Jack Russell, whom she named Raspberry.   Yes, the Wilkies are going to get into the dog breeding business.  It seems like the number of Sims in the neighborhood with the Raise 20 Kittens or Puppies lifetime want has increased.  heh

In the mean time, Brittany and Silver Maple get on with their date.  It was a good day for everyone!

And we end this entry with Bertha getting in some playtime in with Raspberry before heading off to school Monday morning.  there is nothing like bringing pets into a house to throw some good wishes for a child.

Ending wishes:

Silver Maple:  Be flirted with, ask Sim on date, kiss, sell a masterpiece.  Yes, it is still spring time, and even though he is a Fortune Sim, Silver Maple is driving wishes to be romantic.  Nope, no Romance sub aspiration here.  I think it is cute.  I think it is the game enticing me to get the Wilkies to put another bun in the oven.  heh  All throughout the week Silver wanted to sell masterpieces and buy things.  Early on he wanted to reach TOC in culinary, which he did, then the wishes for masterpieces started.  Once he sold a couple of paintings, he wanted to quit his job, so he did.  I think next round he will probably throw a wish to get a job.  He did want the dogs to get jobs, but I managed to circumvent that.  I want the dogs to breed.   Silver earned the hobby plaque in Arts and Crafts.  One thing that he didn't want anyone to know, his crop of eggplants died because he didn't realize the sprinkler was broken.  As a plantsim, this was very embarrassing for him.

Brittany (Upsnot) - Be BFF with Joe Carr, get a good reputation, meet someone new, and be BFF with Heather Huffington.  Brittany is only 4 Sims away from reaching her LTW of having 20 Best Friends.  Normally I reach this LTW easily with a wishing well and just wish for friends.  But being that ASimWen was not focusing on getting the well and the garden died, no well was available. So the LTW is being reached the long hard way.  heh  Not bad I supposed to go back to the old fashioned way of doing it.  Right at the end of the week, Brittany was able to choose a second aspiration.  She rolled Romance.

Bertha - Play with Raspberry and Pumpkin, torment someone, and get an A+ report card.
Bertha threw lots of child type wishes like swing me around, play with relative, ect.  Then the dogs came to the house, and then came the pets wishes.  Easy peasy.

That is it for Wishful Thinking for a while.  Back to TS3 for a bit.  In case you are interested, I do have a TS3 Blog for the Completion Challenge called The Cartwrights in Sunset Valley.  Check it out!

Keep on simmin'!


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Pleasantview Rnd 5 - Wolosenko & Jordan - Sunflower & Mitch, Brian & Sharon

Two families live here, the Wolosenkos and the Jordans.  This lot is the product of Marry off Six Children LTW thrown and fulfilled by and for Leo Wilkie who married Coral Oldie.

The Wolosenkos:

Mitch the Grocery Guy - Romance/Family.  LTW is to Become and A Hall of Famer.

First wishes:  To get fit, flirt with, dance with, and give back rub to wife Sunflower.  First wish fulfilled:  Flirt with Sunflower.

Plantsim Sunflower - Pleasure.  LTW is to Become a Professional Party Guest.

First wishes - To reach top of Slacker career, stay home from work (that seems like a conflict of interest to me, heh), influence someone to serve food, and look at neighbors.  First wish fulfilled - Woohoo with Mitch.

Robert Wolosenko - Grow Up

First wishes:  Be best friends with Harry Burb and Emma Copur, win a game against Harry, and be best friends forever with Ida Burb.  First wish fulfilled:  Eat a hamburger.

The Jordans:

Former Uni YA Brian Jordan -  Knowledge - LTW to Become Hand of Poseidon

First wishes:  Talk, woohoo in bed, invite someone over, and get a skill point.  First wish fulfilled:  Talk.

Sharon Jordan - Knowledge - LTW - To Become a Prestidigitator

First wishes:  to woohoo in bed, ask Sim on a date, see a ghost, and get a skill point.  First wish fulfilled:  Ask Sim on date.

It is hard to tell the plantsim sisters apart as they work the greenhouse garden.  All the men have gone off to work, and they are left to tend garden and fish.  Yes, they are both risky woohoo pregnant.  This will make for a very full house in a short Sim while!

EEehhhh....okay this is the first set of twins in this neighborhood.  Sunflower has a boy named Louis, and a girl named Alice, at 2:30 am Tuesday morning.  Sharon calmly studies mechanical feeding her inner Knowledge Sim.  Not paying attention to the fact her sister just had twin human babies.

While Sunflower is taking care of her newborns, Sharon decides it is time to have her baby.  She had a beautiful daughter named Annie.

That makes eight Sims in this home, so much for keeping households small. heh  Thank you soooooo much, Risky!  But, having twins did not stop Sunflower from going to work just a few hours later.

Sunflower has met her lifetime want.  Her new one?  To have 50 dream dates.  Um, lemme check her age.  She is only halfway through adulthood.  But with an overstuffed house, I don't think I want to concentrate on her and Mitch constantly dating.  I think I will bypass this chance at Prosperity points.  Upon achieving her LTW and getting a nice cash bonus besides, this Pleasure Sim now wants to buy a car, ask sim on a date, buy a bubble blower and buy a game.  Ask sim on a date it is!  Get all those wishes knocked out at once.

Margaret Caliente (daughter of Nina (Caliente) and deceased Mark Landchild) comes home on the bus with Robert.  She gives this stray dog a good scolding for barking at her.  Robert rolled a wish to tell an inside joke, but ended up telling it to his father instead of Margaret.

This same night was Robert's birthday.

Robert rolled Family.  His LTW is to Raise 20 Puppies or Kittens *sigh* .  Upon growing up he wished to buy a hand held game, a cell phone, and an mp3 player.  Oh yes, and he wanted to sneak out with Ida Burb.  Sneak out, it is~!  haha

What an exotic looking young man!

His Aunt Sharon is ecstatic about maxing mechanical.  She had been easy to keep in platinum so far by fulfilling wishes, as all she wanted was mechanical skill points. Upon maxing this, she wished to talk to her husband Brian, catch a fish, be bff with Mitch, and see a wolf. Well being that the men are at work, Sharon opted to fish the pond on the property.

Wednesday Edward Dreamer, son of Nichole (Thompson) Dreamer came home from school with Robert.  Robert wished to become friends with him.

Annie's Uncle Mitch was on hand to help her grow up on Wednesday evening.  Her dad Brian was busy punching the punching back trying to get 10th skill point in body, and her mom was fishing aiming for a silver badge.

And Brian makes it to level ten body.  Missed is daughter's birthday to do it.

Having a Family Sim in the household comes in handy.  Here Robert takes time to bathe his little cousin Alice before heading out to school.

Alice is helped along that evening with her birthday by her mom Sunflower.

Louis is helped along by his cousin Robert.  The house is already feeling chaotic.

Speaking of Robert, Robert who is only getting one or two wishes fulfilled a day, wanted his first kiss.  Since there was no wishing well on this lot, he called the matchmaker and dolled out $5,000 to get a girl who might kiss him on the first date.  This is Marylena Hamilton. It was a two bolt attraction, but didn't go anywhere.  Marylena drifted over to the pond and fished with Sharon, all night long.

In the mean time, Sharon gets a hobby plaque in Nature, and a gold fishing badge.  go you, Sharon!  She kept wishes to fish, catch certain types of fish.  Badges.  Upon winning the gold badge, she wanted to see a wolf, and to see Annie get an A+ report card, to get Annie into private school, and to buy a bass.  Yes, by this time Annie and Alice had grown to child.  The house was so crazy just trying to manage 8 Sims, I did not make note of wishes, ect. heh

 In the meantime, Mitch loses his job in Athletic at the Superstar level due to a bad chance card.  Ugh.

So he immediately calls the boss and pleads for his job.  This is the first time I have ever had this work.  heh  Usually some kind of language is used like 'you are a deadbeat don't call us anymore' and the Sim is lost to the job forever.  lol

So Mitch starts out at the bottom again as a Mascot.  He seems happy about it nonetheless.  At least he has all the skills needed for the job.  :)

Annie is throwing fishing wishes like her mom Sharon, and has found that she likes sports when a basketball hoop appeared on the lot.

Louis grows up Sunday evening.  He looks far too serious.  His wishes upon growing up:  Be BFF with his mom Sunflower, get mechanical 8, make a friend, and tell a secret.

On the right, Alice, enjoys an omelet with Annie.  Looks like Annie stayed outside too long fishing.

Mitch gives his sister-in-law Sharon some punching lessons.  This slimmed her right up.  Once she was slim again, she fulfilled a wish to fish, which was something she kept constantly.

And this is where this chapter ends.  It goes without saying, 5 wishes were not fulfilled for everyone every day.  I would say the most fortunate ones were Mitch and Sunflower, being Romance and Pleasure Sims, they wanted to date.  And it was easy to fulfill that.

Ending wishes:

Mitch:  Ask Sim on a date, appreciate Sharon, be BF with Alice, and go on vacation.

Sunflower:  Ask Sim on a date, buy a bubble blower, influcence someone to cook a meal, and stay home from work.

Brian:  Gain a skill point, do tia chi, go jogging, go birdwatching.

Sharon:  Get body six, get a skill point, get Annie into private school, and be BFF with Annie.  Sharon got a gold in fishing this round, and the hobby plaque in nature. 

Robert: (who has shown zero wishes for Uni, thank goodness,)get an mp3 player, eat chili con carne, get first kiss (still), and eat cereal.

Alice:  Go fishing, jump rope, eat omelets, and get A+ report card.

Annie:  Get bronze in fishing, get A+ report card, eat omelets, and jump rope.

Louis:  Get A+ report card, jump rope, torment someone, and talk about hobby.

Heh.  Busy house.

That is it, keep on simmin!
