Friday, January 31, 2020

Pleasantview Round 8 - Eddie Dreamer- ALTERNATE TIMELINE

 Wow man....what the heck is going on here?  Where is my apartment?  Where I used to live across the hall from my buddy Harry?  Why am I here?  I had just moved out of mom and dad's house to a nice apartment!  No hot Versilius!  What is Pollination Tech doing to me?  Time has rolled back!

This is a TRAILER!!!!!

The resident Pleasantview alien Eddie Dreamer.  How did he come about???  Darren Dreamer begat Dirk Dreamer.  Dirk Dreamer begat Frank Dreamer.  Frank Dreamer married (grown up) teen townie Nichole Thompson.  Nichole was abducted and Eddie was the result. 

Eddie did not go to university, just took what he could get in his backpack from the Dreamer house and moved out to his own place.

Pleasure - Become Game Designer.  
Is currently a Platform Jumper.

The last time we saw Eddie, he was busy growing up and moving out of Frank and Nichole's house at the Dreamer homesteadHe had worked the Gamer career as a teen, and promoted right up to Platform Jumper upon aging up.

Now, besides going to Pleasantview High and working his after school gamer job, Eddie was also a bit of a neighborhood Don Jaun.  He dated these girls:
  • Margaret Caliente
  • Emma Copur
  • Sophie Miguel
  • Minnie Pleasant
  • Ida Burb
  • Papergirl Amy Jones
  • Townie Lanie Barthlet
  • Townie Lakshmi Cameron
  • Townie Debbie Olfshki
Some of them were wishing well dates, as being a Pleasure Sim Eddie threw lots  of wishes to date.  And so it was!  However he has no thoughts about settling down.  At least not yet.

So what are his wishes fears...on this day of ALTERNATE REALITY?

Generic - Meet someone, entertain, talk, and play with.  Fears:  Pets Alegra, Andy Goth and Barbie getting sprayed by a skunk.  

One thing is the same, grandpa Dirk is gone.  Oh man, oh man oh man!  Hope I still have my job, and the babes!  Well I guess I will find out.  Whew.


Might as well get this place cleaned up before heading out to work.  Don't know what Pollination Tech was thinking.  This place is filthy.

Well, work hasn't changed.  Got promoted to Power Leveler, and Sarah Lee came over to visit.  Not my type, but she is nice.




Well this is different than living in the apartment.  Lots of kitties come by.  Maybe I can get one of them to stick around to keep Alegra company.


Dang I could use some company myself before heading out to work.  Maybe Sarah will come over.  (threw a wish to ask Sim out on date).

The date with Sarah didn't go so well, but Lakshmi called me after work for a date.  We went to Games of Glory, my favorite place!  I felt like I fell head over heels in love.  

Oh err...hi Emma!  Apparently Emma finds Eddie attractive even when he is in the arms of another woman.  But in this Alternate Time line she shows no jealousy at all. Oh Lakshmi...would you, will you?

I couldn't help myself, it suddenly came to me that Lakshmi was the love of my life and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.  The first thing ASimWen did was check the season.  It was the last day of winter.  Eddie and Lakshmi have a three bolt attraction, and they BOTH rolled get engaged.  In the Alternate Timeline, this was a legitimate engagement wish.  Oh Pollination Tech!  What have you done!

It was back to my place to seal our engagement.  I cannot wait....I love this woman!  And she feels the same about me!  Lakshmi made selectable, just for funsies.


ASimWen cannot believe it, all the woohooing that Emma did in the Alternate Timeline and she was not blessed by Risky with a child.  


Need just a little more smarts, and I will have this job maxed out....need to make lots of simoleons so Lakshmi and I can start our life together.


Oh the horror!  Pollination Tech...why are you torturing me?  You are my biological father after all...

**SOB!**  What have I done to deserve this.  I just want to live.  With Lakshmi.  That is all. I need something to cheer me up.


Wish fulfilled

Yay, got a car now...getting ready for the love of my life to move in with me.


Eddie:  Well I finally did it.  I asked Lakshmi to come live with me.  And she agreed!

Lakshmi Cameron

Pleasure - Become a Business Tycoon
Currently a Flamenco Master

Lakshmi came with 1K simoleons, and a hot tub in her backpack, with some smaller things.

 Eddie:  Ummm bye bye Lakshmi...have a good day at work!

Lakshmi: Gee Nery thanks for coming over and giving me some pointers for promotion! 
Nery: No problem Lakshmi. Ummm is your roommate an Alien? Another friend made.
Lakshmi: Oh yes.  A big terrible fugly Alien.


Lakshmi made a trip to the hair dresser then on to the boutique for some new clothes. 

Lakshmi:  We have a baby coming soon Eddie.
Eddie:  If it is a boy, I want to name him Versilius.

New LTW:  50 1st Dates.  Don't think so.

Coworker Amar Walter gifted Eddie a Soma Wall-Eye Large Flat Screen Panel Television.  It is priced at 8,000 simoleons.  Welp if one is going to have friends, they need to be this kind.  This Alternate Reality is treating Eddie pretty well.  

Lakshmi returns home from work, and the baby has made himself or herself known. Look who came home with her!  Emma!  Hi Emma~!

Lakshmi: Emma, it may be good for you to know that Eddie loves me now, and we have moved in together.  We have a child due in a few months.
Emma: *choked up*  No!  No!

Emma: Eddie can just drop dead! I saw you two together at Games of Glory. He is just a cheater! You can have him and as for YOU. You can drop dead too! Good luck, you two were made for each other! *Emma storms off the lot*




Was a quiet day.  Lakshmi and Eddie spent their time reading, resting and eating.  Lakshmi made a few phone calls to shore up those relationships, and began reading up on physiology.  


Eddie:  Pollination Technician!  I guess you knew what you were doing.  I have a love of my life here, a good job, and a nice home.  I have a baby on the way.  Thank you.  Oh yum, this hamburger is delicious.

The Alternate Timeline for Eddie and Lakshmi is complete, and now will become their reality.  Stay tuned for the rest of those who are caught up in this tricky web.

Ending fears/wishes:

Eddie:  Buy a bubble blower, flirt, talk about hobbies, and ask Sim on a date.  Eddie is now perm plat, and will not have his wishes fulfilled consciously.  Fears:  Be rejected for flirt, date, and dance.

Emma:  Play kicky bag, freestyle for tips, ask Sim on date, and buy a bubble blower.  Fears:  Be rejected for ask Sim on date, for Sim outing and for toss football.  ???  

And that is it!  Next in the Alternate Timeline:  That hunk of Sim...Robert Wolosenko.

Remember, what ever version of The Sims you play, keep on simmin'!

1 comment:

  1. That was quite an eventful round for Eddie, and Lakshmi has deserved her place as a playable Sim now. Wishing them all the best with the baby (or babies)!
    Emma has already gotten over the shock of learning about Eddie and Lakshmi. She‘s about to marry Arthur anyway!
