Brandi, Family. LTW To Raise 20 Puppies or Kittens
Tyson, Fortune. LTW to Become A Criminal Mastermind
Beau, Romance LTW to Become A Professional Party Guest.
Charles, Romance LTW to Become A Professional Party Guest
First Wishes:
Brandi: Reach maximum enthusiam in Science, have a baby, have a party, and be best friends with Christy LeTorneau
Tyson: Suzi gets promoted, make some money, get promoted, and get fit.
Beau: Get a gold in Flower Arranging, get into Private School, Suzi gets promoted, and go to Uni.
Charles: Get into Private School, go to Uni, Suzi gets promoted, and BF with Dustin Broke.
Round four finds the Ebadis (Brokes) in a new larger home. They are the second owners of this smart one level home that was built and laid out to raise a large family. If you would like to have this house in your game, it is downloadable here. If you do download it, you will need to run Pescado's lot debugger, 'force errors on in world'. The environment score tanks in the living room and everyone complains about a mess. The debugger found it and made it visible so it could be deleted.
Brandi grows up Monday night while talking to Sunflower Wolosenko. Her first wish is to make friends with Sunflower. So be it!
Charles brings home Frances Barrett from school. Turns out they have two bolts. When George Caleinte grew up on the prior lot, he wished for Frances to grow up too. This just might be a windfall for Charles!
There was a bedroom in this home that was decorated in pinks and purples obviously for girls. The Ebadis decorated it to become the library. Beau spent a large amount of time here amassing skills to fulfill wishes, as his subaspiration is Knowledge. He was showing a wish for University, and never lost it. Two days before his grow up date to adult, he left for Uni. Go you, Beau! A Romance Sim attending University!
Brandi's subaspiration is Pleasure. It is so easy to keep her happy. However, Frances either thinks it stinks that Charles's mother is jumping on the sofa, or the dog Jake needs a bath. hahaha!
Wait a minute...isn't Beau in the college bin? He comes home from work with Charles. hehe At any rate, Charles is going to work in a quick date before bedtime with Frances (who stayed at his house after school and waited for him during his shift to get home from his after school job).
WooHoo! Another puppy. When the lot opened another dog appeared on the lot that Brandi had bought at Dustin Broke's pet shop. Just so happens this dog's name was Brandy. She managed to mate with Jake, and produce a puppy. YAY!
And Buck and Julie grow up. Brandi calls the shelter to come and get them and she bawled and bawled. As soon as these pups were born, she spun up to make friends with them. Hated to get rid of them.
Last round Suzi had gotten a job because Tyson had wished it. This rounds Brandi picked up the phone and quit Suzi's job. It was just too tough keeping her in a good mood to breed. But alas, Tyson still spins up wishes for Suzi to learn skills. heh
Saturday Charles invites Frances out for a little bit of ice skating, fulfilling a wish for 'ask Sim on a date'. Neither one skated very well, constant falling down. :)
The date was a dream date, then Charles drove right over to Sue's Kitchen to win a cooking contest. Hmmmm...fulfilling another wish even though he had far exceeded five wishes on his date with Frances. Did it 'just because'.
Charles and Frances go steady. By now it is Sunday night, and it looks like Charles will be going to University. His Fortune subaspiration is shining through enough to keep 'Go To College' up front enough.
Nah, Brandi didn't spin up a wish to max creativity. But she DOES keep a wish to sell a masterpiece, and now wants to get a bronze in toy making. Being in the Criminal career field turned on Brandi's creative streak. The fact that Arts and Crafts is her one true hobby doesn't hurt.
Late Sunday night, Charles leaves for Uni. Buh-bye, Charles!
And this is where we leave the Ebadis (Brokes) for this round!
Ending Wishes:
Brandi: Get hobby plaque in Arts and Crafts, sell a masterpiece, get a bronze in toy making, and make BF with Mitch Wolosenko.
Tyson: Earn $75,000, make BFF with Charles, get a bronze in pottery/toys.
Wishes: Brandi was all about doing the silly low scoring Pleasure Sim wishes. But they are easy, and don't take much time. However, now she is rolling wishes that are a little more difficult being they will take strategy to set up, take more time.
Tyson was horrible with buy me buy me buy me. At one point I had no choice but to purchase a vacation home, but was able to get around letting him go visit it. It will be sold at some point.
Sim on, everybody!